I'll check first it's evening or morning then I'll get upI will get my glasses , drink water and cheak my phone lol .
yep I check phone drink water brush teeth and then drink hot green teaI will get my glasses , drink water and cheak my phone lol .
I go to freshen up...I will get my glasses , drink water and cheak my phone lol .
Without washing face?? Direct toilet and then you open your eyes into gutterI go to freshen up...
Ryt from thy morning, u think abt 'bend down n I have a ban 4 u'? @Aphroditei put my glasses on ,grab my phone and put it on my desk ,turn on the laptop ,grabs my mug and takes into the kitchen and while the water is boiling goes to pee ,goes back to kitchen grabs coffee ,heads back to laptop ,logs in checks who needs to be banned ,checks messages ,takes my meds and feeds the cat
Nah.. Ryt from the morning she's all gooey sweet... Coz she never says I have a ban for u.. she's really sweet nice n flirty ... To 'em cupcakes... before they get pegged raw !! An 11 inch hooker heel straight down the ass without lube !! Such a lovey dovey lady @AphroditeRyt from thy morning, u think abt 'bend down n I have a ban 4 u'? @Aphrodite
Oh no god we check our phone you check your phone nice nice lol just kiddingI will get my glasses , drink water and cheak my phone lol .
Grab a mug , open my phone , then dash to the bathroom , brush , flush , and boom, ready to gooooooo!I will get my glasses , drink water and cheak my phone lol .