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Is Living Together a Good Idea Before Marriage?

No. In fact, I think it’s pretty damaging to live together before you marry. If you live with your future spouse with the mentality of “I have a back door exit if things get rough,” it automatically sets you up for failure. How could it not? Humans test drive cars. Mechanical things...NOT humans. I would personally find it very offensive if a guy didn’t want to be married first, but wanted to make sure it was WORTH the fight or “fitting” to him before actually tying the knot. Keep your standards high, keep the aspect of living with someone a special category reserved for only your future spouse.
No. In fact, I think it’s pretty damaging to live together before you marry. If you live with your future spouse with the mentality of “I have a back door exit if things get rough,” it automatically sets you up for failure. How could it not? Humans test drive cars. Mechanical things...NOT humans. I would personally find it very offensive if a guy didn’t want to be married first, but wanted to make sure it was WORTH the fight or “fitting” to him before actually tying the knot. Keep your standards high, keep the aspect of living with someone a special category reserved for only your future spouse.
No. In fact, I think it’s pretty damaging to live together before you marry. If you live with your future spouse with the mentality of “I have a back door exit if things get rough,” it automatically sets you up for failure. How could it not? Humans test drive cars. Mechanical things...NOT humans. I would personally find it very offensive if a guy didn’t want to be married first, but wanted to make sure it was WORTH the fight or “fitting” to him before actually tying the knot. Keep your standards high, keep the aspect of living with someone a special category reserved for only your future spouse.
I completely understand and respect your viewpoint. Your perspective on keeping the living situation special and reserved for after marriage is really thoughtful. It’s lovely to see such a strong commitment to maintaining high standards and valuing the sanctity of marriage. Thanks for sharing your opinion!
Nuclear family living has ruined the new gen. But yet you cant blame anyone for that, as the country develops, jobs availability made the difference or the so called the nuclear family started popping up. I still remeber our ancestral home living

Well understandable and appreciate your thoughts. But what i wana ask you is, do u prefer to have a liv in beforee marriage
i prefer to have a relationship which doesnt need any business deal like marriage. It doesnt mean both have to live together for a relationship.
i prefer to have a relationship which doesnt need any business deal like marriage. It doesnt mean both have to live together for a relationship.
Thats quite innovative. Well i guess we should have something called prenuptial agreement before marriage, this is save the major dispute after marriage if someone goes for sepration or divorce
Living together? I think too much western influence is causing such ideas to our people. Falling in love with a person( I mean true love) is enough to understand about it. I don't believe in such stupidity. Just imagine about our ancestors and then you'll understand how and why it's not necessary. And if you want to know a cool fact here's one, divorce/seperation rates are far less in India than in the counties who claim "free country, modern life". Love isn't about physical intimacy. Period...

Keeping western culture and all aside,
Let's try comparing the older generation and our generation.
They would get married in their early 20s (or even earlier) and our generation mostly prefers mid 20s or even late 20s. Now the issue is, in early 20s, humans are more adapting to change and can change their personality to get along with their partners. But the older we get, it's difficult to change habits and almost impossible to alter personality.
So, it's not about physical intimacy, that, you can have with anyone. It's more about the compatibility of other things, of your personalities, the vibes, the habits etc.
Keeping western culture and all aside,
Let's try comparing the older generation and our generation.
They would get married in their early 20s (or even earlier) and our generation mostly prefers mid 20s or even late 20s. Now the issue is, in early 20s, humans are more adapting to change and can change their personality to get along with their partners. But the older we get, it's difficult to change habits and almost impossible to alter personality.
So, it's not about physical intimacy, that, you can have with anyone. It's more about the compatibility of other things, of your personalities, the vibes, the habits etc.
Your post brings up some very insightful points about the differences between generations when it comes to marriage and adaptability. I appreciate the thoughtfulness behind your observation.

But let's face it, whether you're 22 or 32, learning to share a bathroom is always an adventure. And figuring out who left the empty milk carton in the fridge? That's a timeless marital mystery!

Ultimately, it's all about finding that balance and understanding that while compatibility is crucial, the willingness to grow and adapt together is what truly counts.
Keeping western culture and all aside,
Let's try comparing the older generation and our generation.
They would get married in their early 20s (or even earlier) and our generation mostly prefers mid 20s or even late 20s. Now the issue is, in early 20s, humans are more adapting to change and can change their personality to get along with their partners. But the older we get, it's difficult to change habits and almost impossible to alter personality.
So, it's not about physical intimacy, that, you can have with anyone. It's more about the compatibility of other things, of your personalities, the vibes, the habits etc.
If you have physical intimacy with "anyone" then that's a different thing. I was talking about love, marriage which is a pure feeling & chapter which would happen in one's life. You might be talking about a certain percentage who got married early but I'm sure not everyone from our parents generation got married at 20. Life will get modern, our minds, habits too but not everything should. Living in isn't a necessary/mandatory thing to understand one person. Even today I've seen people who are far apart have lots of love for each other.