I was not there .. I just answer few questions and left

I was not there .. I just answer few questions and left
Congratulations allAnnouncing the Winner's List - Women's Day Special Quiz conducted on Tuesday 08th, March 2022 at 09:00 PM IST in Zenglish Natives Room
I would like to thank each and everyone personally who have participated in the Quiz and making it a grand success event hough it is for the first time we have conducted such a quiz here in ZoZo
Thank you all for showing the zeal and Hats off for your patience during the Quiz and making it very memorable
Here I am happy to announce the top 3 winners
Position Chat User ID/Name Points 1 Nilaani 57 2 MiSSion 39 3 SPIRIT 32
Congrats @Nilaani , @Mission and SPIRIT
Shouldn’t we have a special prize for bagging negative points ?!!
Yeah he certainly did a wonderful job !Great work Deepakkaa @Deepak KiranI'm expecting more quiz programs from u buddy
It's been one year that we successfully conducted the quiz on Women's Day 2021 and once again congratulating @Nilaani for winning that competition