Yeah each song played on the wall is for a special girl, for a special moment shared and nothing happens by chance ! Each song is a hidden message.
Maybe tats why DJ's in zozo have a special place in women hearts !! They have a song for each girl, for her every mood and most of all THEY REMEMBER!!!
That's why our kavingnars have rightly put it-
- இன்னிசை மட்டும் இல்லையென்றால் நான் என்றோ என்றோ இறந்திருப்பேன் !!!
- இசையோடு வந்தோம்
இசையோடு வாழ்வோம்
இசையோடு போவோம்
இசையாவோம் !!!!!
Playing songs is one thing, but singing out her favourite songs is BAE Has anybody sung for you ??? Does your heart skip a beat & go lub da dub da dubbbbbbb when you hear that ???