Cant just say a lot about it right now because i cant think straight at the moment when i am reading this thread
yeahh there are many reasons for it a dissapointing day , a longing sadness that still continues inside me
yes its easy to cry and let it out but for me crying isnt a easy option as from chilhood i been made emotionally strong with situations and surrounding so i feel very sad very heavy very dissapointing very heavy very numb but i cant just cry i feel like but the tears dont come out fully but that doesnt mean i never cry i cry but its the shock value orthe fear value of that one incident which makes me too much sad like out of park and makes me cry.
yess its always easy to approach your loved ones even if you are far away from them you cant talkto them right now just write everything you are feeling to them and solutions comes right away.
haha yeahh many people do so i never tried that i just grab a pen a piece of paper and just do anything random i want to do on that page with music going on background and million thoughts in mind
i understand the feeling on emptyness yess this kind of emptiness i have felt from past few days and just there is no other solution to fill it rather than being busy.
anxiety i have biased opinion of it because i guess i never had any anxiety attack if i had one idk know how its like but yeah people who have anxiety attacks should take care of their emotional wellbeing me just a overthinker no anxiety as such i remember but it has happened with me for sure
yes the numbness feels like you know the whole world is moving but you are stop
i understand the loneliness
ahaaaan nice quote
well i will say a little more few words
stay strong try not to be too much if you ever feel sad i am always there to help you so you can say anything to me all the feeling the thoughts on mind like everything even if i am offline you can send it to me on forum
i guess me have a pvt convo on forum where you can type anything and everything you want and i will always give replies to it