Everyone has a drink they love more then others .After a hard days work ,a evening out ,a party or celebration.
someones "poison " can be anything from coffee to champange
so tell us whats yours ?
View attachment 7181
Apple juiceEveryone has a drink they love more then others .After a hard days work ,a evening out ,a party or celebration.
someones "poison " can be anything from coffee to champange
so tell us whats yours ?
View attachment 7181
VodkaEveryone has a drink they love more thenothers .After a hard days work ,a evening out ,a party or celebration.
someones "poison " can be anything from coffee to champange
so tell us whats yours ?
View attachment 7181
Coffee and thumbs upEveryone has a drink they love more then others .After a hard days work ,a evening out ,a party or celebration.
someones "poison " can be anything from coffee to champange
so tell us whats yours ?
View attachment 7181