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What's the Most Ridiculous Lie You Believed as a Kid?

Hey everyone,

We all have those funny moments from our childhood when we were a bit more gullible and believed some pretty outrageous things. Whether it was something your parents told you to keep you out of trouble, a tall tale from an older sibling, or just a common childhood myth, let's share and laugh about them together!

I'll start: When I was a kid, I believed that if you swallowed a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow in your stomach. I was so terrified that I would carefully spit out every single seed!What about you?

What's the most ridiculous lie you believed as a kid?

Can't wait to hear your stories!
When I was around 3 year old ..one of my close relative convinced me that I was an adopted child and parents got me from a temple foot steps..I was so much convinced with that and started seeing my parents and siblings in a different way..as a child i didn't know how to react..just gratitude for my parents..or ..I m not part of this family...or something..i am not sure what was there In my brain..I went complete numb and silent !!

Later one day my father got to know this and he asked me to sit on his lap and explained..all this is not true..he took me to the hospital where I was born and showed me different proofs that I belong to the same family!

That was a ridiculous lie I believed !

Ofcourse now no doubts at all..as I look exactly like my siblings as if God tired of making and just photocopied us..haha!!
When I was around 3 year old ..one of my close relative convinced me that I was an adopted child and parents got me from a temple foot steps..I was so much convinced with that and started seeing my parents and siblings in a different way..as a child i didn't know how to react..just gratitude for my parents..or ..I m not part of this family...or something..i am not sure what was there In my brain..I went complete numb and silent !!

Later one day my father got to know this and he asked me to sit on his lap and explained..all this is not true..he took me to the hospital where I was born and showed me different proofs that I belong to the same family!

That was a ridiculous lie I believed !

Ofcourse now no doubts at all..as I look exactly like my siblings as if God tired of making and just photocopied us..haha!!