Love the most beautiful feeling and emotion of this world.Without love nothing is possible.Even you can’t make pot without love.
Possibly Some of the people think that Love is only between two opposite gender. But their thinking is wrong Love can be between anyone.Without love every relation is incomplete.Love is not about taking It's about giving.There is no expectations condition.It's totally unconditional.
Unconditional love is like
Possibly Some of the people think that Love is only between two opposite gender. But their thinking is wrong Love can be between anyone.Without love every relation is incomplete.Love is not about taking It's about giving.There is no expectations condition.It's totally unconditional.
Unconditional love is like
That is how I define loveA pet who waited for his owner lick his owners face when he return from his work.That is his love for his owner
A Army man ready to sacrifice his life without thinking a second.That is his love for his country
A Mother ready to do any sacrifice when her child is in any problem. That is her love for her children
A father do hard work day and night just to give a good life to his family. That is his love for his family
No matter how much a brother tease her sister but never let everyone to do the same.That is his love for her sister
A devotee love his liking god.That is his/her love for the god