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The Journey, Warrior

As always please feel free to ask any questions without any hesitation. Any constructive criticism is more than welcome, thank you for continuing to read The Journey, Warrior.

Chapter 11, Damn they are big!

Cole nodded and spurred his horse on. They raced on through Edena, charging through the portcullis and down the cobbled path, Nekonata heard a loud whistle coming from behind, he saw Pat on Malhela. Nekonata slowed down:-

“I can take you to where you need to go, the flowers have been seen at the entrance to a cave in the cliffs, it’s closer than the fields.”

“Lead on Pat,” Nekonata called out.

Pat swiftly turned on the horse and started galloping around the side of Edena Village.

“We need to make haste!” Shouted Nekonata, “No rest tonight!”

The contingent followed in close formation, Nekonata rode at the head with Pat.

Slowly the terrain started to turn from grass to gravel and rocks, they slowed down so they didn’t hurt the horses. “Single file here!” Pat called out. Nekonata turned and nodded and the soldiers fell into line.

Suddenly Nekonata heard howl's coming from the woods on their left. He raised his hand to signal everyone one should stop.

“Damn they are big!” Whispered Nekonata. He looked down to his girls, their ears pricked up, fur standing, after a moment they both snarled viciously.

“Mountain Wolves,” Pat told Nekonata. “They are much bigger than your girls,” Pat said looking down. “Not long ago Vivi made a pact with them, that he would offer them wards of protection if they kept the perimeters of the Village clear of danger. Their chief has passed away and there has been some upset about who should be the next in line.”

Nekonata nodded, “Do they speak our language?” Pat nodded his head. “Do you know the mechanics of how they would choose their next leader?” Pat shook his head and Nekonata nodded again. “We move slowly, make sure your weapons are at the ready and do not draw unless danger is imminent!”

Pat nodded and started to lead the way again, they arrived at the cliffs to find that the mountain wolves had made it their den. “The flower you need is inside the cave… there is like a rock pool in the middle of it and inside that is an island where the flower grows… you’d have to swim to reach it.” Pat whispered.

Nekonata nodded. He moved slowly forward towards the cave entrance. The wolves were protecting their mates and their cubs. One of the female wolfs was moaning and complaining of severe pain. Nekonata thinking quickly decided to take advantage of this. He turned to Pat, “Stay back with the troops, be on alert. DO NOT attack unless I give the thumbs-up signal.” Pat nodded and moved back slowly and cautiously under cover of the tall grass.

Nekonata sheathed his sword and stood up with his arms raised, the wolves reacted quickly, surrounding their families in a semi-circular formation. “Mine being is here to help, I mean you not any harm. All I ask is for help in return.”

A white wolf stepped forward. Santaya and Kristolia moved forward and bowed to the wolf. “What help could you possibly want from us Human?” Snarled the White Wolf.

“The orange flower, it is a curable remedy I need for a very very dear friend. If you help me, I can help her.” Nekonata nodded towards the wolf in pain.

The white wolf growled and the rest of the wolves moved to make a path for Nekonata to walk through. He slowly walked forward and knelt down. “May I ask your name?”

“Auburn is her name.” The white wolf answered.

“Auburn I am going to touch your stomach, you will feel the warmth from my hands it will ease your pain and relax you.” Nekonata touched her stomach and his hands glowed purple. Auburn relaxed immediately, a cubs legs appeared from her rear end, and then slowly a head started to show.

“Auburn the only way for me to help you now is if I pull, I need you to take a deep breath and to push then I will pull.” Auburn nodded faintly and did as she was asked to the best of her ability. Nekonata pulled as she breathed,

After a short while, Auburn’s baby was born. “It’s a male,” Nekonata said quietly placing the cub in front of Auburn. The baby cub was white and light brown in colour, it also had purple eyes. Nekonata felt a strange connection with the cub, one he did not understand.

“He is bigger than all the other cubs. He looks stronger and healthier.” Commented, the white wolf.

“He has a good strong life ahead of him. He will make you proud. He will grow to be the biggest of your kind ever to exist.”

Nekonata stood up slowly and stepped back away from Auburn and looked at the white wolf. “The golden flower, please? May I swim through to get it?”

The white wolf looked behind him. “Walk… Trust in your instinct and you need not swim.”

Nekonata unclasped his cloak and let it drop to the floor. His armour shimmered in the fading light of the sun. He walked forward slowly, testing his footing on the water, he slowly moved forward the water crept over his feet but he didn’t sink, it was like he was on an invisible path. He reached the island in the middle of the cave lake, and Nekonata knelt down he dug into the soil with his hands until he found the root of the flower. He carefully lifted the flower from the ground and placed it into a small satchel.

“I will name him Tunstall!” The white wolf said to Nekonata. “You have done my kind a great service today. We will forever be in your debt. If you ever need help, send your one of your girls and we will come.”

“Thank you!” Replied Nekonata bowing slightly. “I must be on mine way, mine friend is in dire need of this cure, I thank you once more.”

“Human!” The white wolf called out. Nekonata stopped. “My name is Convel.” The great wolf bowed slightly.

With that Nekonata ran through jumping over the wolves that were laid down, he met his contingent of troops, and together they all set off.

“No rest!” Nekonata shouted. “Straight back to Edena, stay information!”

Nekonata and Pat stayed at the front to lead, the rest of the troops fell back into columns of 4 abreast.
Chapter 12, A Strange Beast.

The sun started to rise and Edena could be seen close by. Nekonata saw something shimmering flying towards him fast, he turned his body slightly to the side, using his reflexes his arm shot up in the air stopping it before it hit him. It was an arrow:-

“ON YOUR GUARD!!!” Nekonata looked in the direction the arrow came from. “Pat, yellow banner with a snake?”

“Humans from Baylon Plains,” Pat replied. “I have no idea what they are doing here though, we need to send message to Vivi.”

Nekonata found a scrap of parchment from inside his robes, wrote a message and put it in a thin leather tube. “Santaya you are the fastest, straight to Master Vivi, then back here, I need you at mine side beautiful,” Santaya growled wagging her tail and shot off towards Edena.

“The arrow came from the forest of there, they have strong archers for it to make this distance.” Nekonata looked around at the soldiers with him. “I can’t see how many are there hiding behind the trees. I need to find out somehow;-“

Just then a small swallow hurtled from the sky flying fast towards him, the bird spread its wings to slow its descent landing on Kimbo heads.

“Saluton well met Meera the Swallow!” Said Nekonata smiling.

“Althor is coming from the North to meet Vivi, he will be here by this eve. Gabija will be riding with him. Vivi told me to bring this message.”

“Thank you, Meera, but right now we have a problem. Could you help me with something please?” Meera nodded. “In the forest, humans are hiding, they’ve made their presence known by firing an arrow. Problem is we’ve no idea how many are there, could you have a look?”

Meera stretched her wings, “Of course.”

“Ok, we move back out of their range. We wait for Meera to return, then we will make a decision on our next course of action. Keep your eyes peeled and be on guard at all times. The horses need to rest, stable boy you're up.”

Nekonata dismounted and walked forward, he looked to his right and saw Edena Village. It was now noon and Santaya would be back any moment. Kristolia lay next to him in the grass whining. Nekonata noticed a small shadow from the corner of his eye, he looked up to see Meera was on her way back. He held out his hand so the little bird could land.

“Sorry I took so long.” She said panting. “There is 700 of them at least. Some of them are riding beasts, I know not what they are, they look like wolves but much much bigger with tusks.”

“Ingmars they are called,” Joseph said as he jumped off his horse. “Nasty things they are.”

“Where do Ingmars come from?”

“Bretheran Abyss.” After a short pause. “They have not been seen for a very long time. They are clever and very agile. It is said they are some kind of descendants from the Dragons. Dragons, of course, refuse to acknowledge that. Thousands of years ago the Dragons came in search of new fertile land, they flew for days on end until they found this land of ours. Ingmar's already lived here, so naturally, there was a war, it was a very bloody war that reduced the size of both their species dramatically. Some kind of peace treaty was arranged. The Dragons chose Termini Cliffs and the rest of the mountains, while the Ingmars chose the desert caves which they themselves called Bretheran Abyss. This is strange and disturbing.”

“Santaya you must rest… Kristolia I need your help, it is time to ask our new allies for help.” Kristolia bowed her head and ran off faster than she’d ever run before.

Kristolia ran through the forest straight for the cliffs, she could sense the tension in the air. Her hatred for leaving her friends behind was strong but knew her task was important. How she wished she could talk like the others. That was her dream!

Kristolia arrived at a Birch tree, and slowed down, she could see the White Wolf through the grass and reeds. She slowly walked forward so all the wolves could see her, she bent her back legs slightly and planted her front paws firmly in the ground, she snarled showing her pristine fangs and then howled as loud as she could, asking for help from the White Wolf.

The White Wolf walked across the clearing with slow long strides, stopping in front of Kristolia,

“You can’t speak can you?”

Kristolia shook her head, and bowed her head, but stayed strong and proud.

“The man known as Nekonata calls for our help, we owe him this! So get in your packs and let’s march!”

Nekonata noticed Santaya running back to him in the distance closely followed by Vivi on a light brown horse.

“Nekonata do you have any plans?” Vivi asked quietly.

Nekonata shook his head, he had ordered his troops to dig a trench spanning the length of their camp. He knew full well that it would not be enough to protect them. “Do you have any suggestions? We are unable to access any wood to make stakes to put into the trench, we have very limited arrows and lances.”

“It is time you trust in yourself and in your abilities!” Vivi paused looking around. “You have whether you believe it or not the ability to take on ten thousand men, you just have to believe in yourself.”

“They are making their final preparations,” Meera called out from above.

“Cole!” The soldier stepped forward. “How many spears do we have?”

“Each troop carries 3 spears, as per the requirement with regiment rules, two long shafts and one short Sir.”

Nekonata jumped from the saddle of his horse and walked towards the trench, he tested the ground with his feet near to the edge of the trench. “Vivi, have you any idea how far these Ingmars can jump?”

“Around 40 feet in distance and 20 feet or so in height.”

“Pass me a spear Cole, we have 600 long shaft spears, I want them planted into the ground at an angle facing towards the trench, I want three rows offset with each other at intervals going along the length of the trench.”

Cole nodded and gave out orders to some soldiers that had just rested.

“How many arrows do we have?”

“We all have two satchels of 20 arrows each Sir.”

Nekonata nodded, thinking about how he could the best use out of them. “Ok, I want short spears at the front with shields. I want one row of arrows, then swords, then the rest of the arrows behind. The mounted cavalry will again split into three, there will be a centre, left and a right. Arrows must not be wasted if possible. All archers must try their best to aim true!”

Cole nodded and ran off to give his orders. Nekonata heard howls from the distance. He dropped to his knees and put his ear to the ground. “Our new allies are getting closer. They are around 2 hours away, let’s hope they get here in time.”

Vivi nodded his head. “Is the flower ok?”

Nekonata opened his bag and showed Vivi the flower. “It's fine, but I have no idea how long for.”

“Hand it to me, and I will start the potion. Quickly now.”

Nekonata did as he was told.
Billy, you got me i was thinking Elephants but you painted a better picture keep it up
Chapter 13, Potion Time

Vivi clapped his hands together, a mortar and pestle suddenly appeared on his lap. He pulled the petals of the flower, crushed them and ground them in the pestle

“A dash of salt, and some cinnamon, and the yellow flower powder, and a splash of water!” Vivi waved his hand and the mortar started to move on its own, grinding and mixing all the ingredients together… “Dragon scales, and some newts.” Vivi paused looking in his satchel. “I can’t find the vial… where is the vial?”

Nekonata looked at Vivi confused, he scratched the side of his leg and felt something cold in his pocket. He pulled it out, and found the silvery black liquid vial that he was shown in Tara’s bedroom. “You mean this one?” Nekonata said gently tossing it to Vivi.

Vivi caught it and grunted at him, then poured the whole contents into the pestle. Vivi stood up, walked up to Nekonata with a knife in his hand, and in one swift motion cut a lock of hair from his head. He threw the locks into the pestle, and there was a hiss, then a bang and then some smoke. The concoction started to glow purple. Vivi poured the now purple liquid into a vial and called for Meera.

The little swallow showed up while she was still airborne Vivi threw the vial into the air. “For Tarasque, you know what to do!” The swallow caught the vial and flew straight for Edena.

Chapter 14, Fools you say?

The sun was now fading behind the forest, enemy fires were lit. “No fires!” Ordered Nekonata, “They will attack soon! For this we must trust in our instincts, myself and Master Vivi will guide you when we can.” Nekonata dismounted.

“Convel thank you for coming to our aid.” Nekonata bowed. “You will have to forgive me, I am unfamiliar with your military formations. I have a line of short lances with shields, followed by archers, and then by swords, and lastly more archers, our mounted cavalry will split into three forming formations to attack from left to right and behind.”

Convel bowed his head to Vivi and nodded slightly towards Nekonata. “I smell Ingmars” He growled, “How many?”

“700 men we are unsure about the amount of Ingmar's, I would hazard a guess to around 200,” Vivi replied.

The white wolf growled again, as did the rest of his kind. Vivi put his hand in the air stopping them from making too much noise.

“Convel we need the element of surprise, I know you are fast, and I mean not to offend. Would it possible for you to leave some of your packs here to help on the front line and have the rest of your packs split into three to follow the mounted cavalry from behind?”

“Hmm, Master Vivi is still a sound tactician I see… Nonsk, Keal, and Malk you know what to do, get on with it. Pelk and Drac you’re with me!” The wolves bowed and obeyed.

Nekonata looked out, “There is a lone rider coming forward.”

“They want to negotiate?” Growled Convel.

“It is customary for humans to make an attempt at a peace treaty. Their demands will not be welcomed.” Vivi commented quietly.

“I did not think about this, our lance stakes and trench are too far and deep for us to walk through or jump over,” Nekonata looked around. “How are we to go to them to find out what they want?”

“Take Malhela.” Vivi waved his hand over, and the stable boy came forward with the black horse. “He will let you ride him. As long as he has a good enough run-up he can clear that.”

Nekonata took the reins and mounted the horse, they trotted back a distance, “Malhela start off slowly and build up your speed, I trust you, I believe in you!” Nekonata patted the horse on its neck. The horse reared up on his back legs and charged forward, his speed gaining faster and faster, Nekonata was holding on for his dear life. Everything whizzed past him like a blur, next thing he knew they were in the air hurtling forward over the trench. Malhela’s body tensed up as his front legs touched the floor carrying forward he skidded to a stop in front of the messenger.

The messenger was tall, black hair, dark coloured eyes, and a long beard.

“Our treaty is you will surrender. You will lay down your arms and let us pass. The village be ours to do what we please with. Your women will serve us and please us!”

“The answer is no, not now and not ever. I will give you two options.” Nekonata paused. “The first is you will turn around and go back hence where you are from… The second is if you don’t you will die and those that surrender will be taken prisoner, to do with what I please.”

The messenger scowled and spat at the floor. “You dare to insult us? You really have no idea who I am?”

“Oh please do tell me whom you are? I am very eager to know!”

“YOU FOOL!” He shook his head. “I pity you! For it is you who will die!”

A trumpet and a whistle was heard in the distance. Nekonata looked around, From the North there came the Dwarves and in amongst them the Elves.

Nekonata smiled and laughed dryly in front of the messenger. “I speak for Master Vivi, I speak for King Althor of the Dwarves, and I speak for Gabija of Clan Panther… It is you who I pity! Your last chance lay down your weapons and walk away, I promise you will not be harmed! The… choice… is… yours!”

Nekonata had Malhela slowly walk backwards without taking his eyes of the messenger, once he felt a safe distance away he had the black horse gallop back around the trench to meet Vivi at the edge of the camp.

“That was the horn of the Dwarf King, please tell me they are ok?” Vivi called out.

Nekonata jumped from the horse, “They are fine, I can see them from a few leagues away, but now they have made their presence known I am worried that enemy will attack them first.”

“Not if I can help it.” Growled the white wolf. “Jesser, daughter run forth at speed to meet and greet the Dwarves and Elves!” His daughter turned to run, “And Jesser do NOT forget your manners!”

Jesser nodded and ran off to do as she was asked.

Jesser stopped a distance in front of the oncoming army. Once closer, she stood and bowed her head gracefully.

“Saluton, I am Jesser, daughter of Chief Convel from the mountains. I am here with message, we are preparing for battle. Humans and Ingmars hide in the forest. Master Vivi and Nekonata asked to me warn you, should the enemy make a surprise attack on you.”

King Althor dismounted, he was just taller than the mountain wolf. He had long ginger hair, with a ginger beard tied in a plait the bottom tucked into his belt. He had dark knowing eyes. An axe and hammer were strapped to his back. “Hmm, a mountain wolf you be?” He walked around Jesser sizing her up. “You be big, yes big indeed. Hmm, first time I see mountain wolf, you be strange and beautiful!”

“Saluton Jesser.” Said Gabija, her voice soft as velvet. “Are we to join you in amongst your ranks?”

Jesser bowed again, “Nekonata is leading us in the battle, he felt he should leave it to you to decide on your course of action.”

Close by a horn sounded, strange growls pierced through the falling darkness.

“Ingmar!” Grumbled King Althor “I say we split half be half, your Majesty. Look they be advancing, it seems be that there cavalry going from round and back attack. Me that I like those odds. Good night for battle!”

The enemy marched through the forest, finally revealing themselves. There were a lot of gasps. The Ingmars were tall, taller than the mountain wolves. They had huge sabre-like fangs, big menacing orange eyes. They had dark scruffy long manes around their heads leading into a thin line going down their spine into their tails.

Nekonata’s mounted cavalry had disappeared into the low hills, the mountain wolves following close behind at 100 paces.

The enemy charged forward. The Ingmars were fast, they leapt into the air, some misjudged and fell to their deaths on the lance stakes on the edge of the trench, The soldiers threw their short lances at the enemy some hit the human riders on the back of the Ingmars, the other short lances bounced of the hides of the ferocious beasts. The archers lined up and took aim, and shot. Screams and shouts, pierced through the darkness. The short lancers moved back allowing the archers a little bit more freedom to move. They picked up their swords and shields.

The enemy now in full attack, did not see the mounted cavalry come from behind.

“FULL ATTACK, CHARGE!” Shouted Nekonata. The mounted cavalry moved in so fast the enemy didn’t know what to do.

An arrow flew out of nowhere straight for Nekonata, another arrow flecked with green feathers, whizzed past his face knocking the arrow away.

A small man stepped forward picking up the arrow. “Blood red feathers Gabija. The Crelden is here.”

“Who is Crelden?” Asked Vivi.

“The Crelden is what they call the enemy king's right hand.” Replied Gabija. “Now we know exactly who is responsible for this, I must say loosing an arrow like that is very premature.”

“Althor take your clan into the forest and flush out the rest.” She looked at Nekonata, “Shall we dance and let our blades sing?”

The small man beat his fist against chest. Raised his hand and threw back down in the direction of the forest. His clan quickly grouped up in formation, and marched for the forest.

Nekonata smiled, “Well met Gabija, I must say I agree,” He kicked Kimbo into a gallop. “LET'S DANCE!”

Gabija and Nekonata led the cavalry on. The mountain wolves caught up and swiftly joined in the charge.

White Wolf howled, the rest of his kind followed suit.

Steel clashed against steel, wood against wood. People screamed in agony as their lives ebbed away.

Suddenly something crashed into Nekonata knocking him off his mount. Nekonata rolled over, quickly recovering to his feet. Not the Ingmar. It growled low and deep the sound reverberated in his chest and hurt his ears, saliva spattered on his face the smell assaulted his nostrils it was putrid like carrion, its teeth a frightening sight they curved down out of its huge maw like mouth the size of Nekonata' forearm, he stepped back it was easily 3 times the size of the brown bear, its eyes were large filling up most of its face if it could be called a face they were yellow with slit-like pupils the size of a clenched fist, its furry mane like mass was matted and filthy.

Nekonata slowly stepped back, slowly unsheathed his trusty sword. He gripped hold of it preparing himself for he didn’t know what. The creature leapt forward for Nekonata. Nekonata ducked and rolled underneath the beast, only just clearing it. He slashed his at the beast's hide just missing. It turned around, yellow eyes flashing dangerously. Again it leapt forward, Nekonata stood his ground, taking one large step to the side he pivoted on his heel and slashed at the Ingmar this time leaving a large deep cut on its front left leg. Crashing to the floor in a howling rage. It stood up growling and panting heavily. Nekonata gulped. The beast charged for him raising its enormous paw last-second knocking Nekonata back. He felt like the wind had been knocked out of him as he flew backwards landing in the mud and then sliding more.

Nekonata grabbed his bow and pulled an arrow out of his quiver. He looked up the beast was getting ready to charge again. He knelt up in the mud, the right side of his body covered in mud and struggled to notch his arrow, the arrow flew for the beast just grazing the top of its head. He quickly notched another arrow panicking. He let it loose and this time it flew true striking the beast straight in its right eye. The animal dropped onto its front paws, sliding in the mud. The Ingmar slowly got back to its feet, it let out a high pitched squeal of pain. Rearing up on to its back legs the beast started to throw its front paws around furiously trying to hit Nekonata.

Nekonata ducked and dodged, he rolled to the left of the beast. The beast seeing him took a huge swipe at Nekonata’ face just catching him with the tip of its claw, as the beast pulled its paw down it left a deep scratch going from just under Nekonata right eye down to almost his lip. Nekonata reeled back in pain. Now staying on the right-hand side of the beast Nekonata continued to duck and dodge, The beast threw its paws up in the air letting out a huge angry growl and Nekonata plunged his sword upward straight into the beast's chest and into its heart. As the monstrous beast crashed to the floor it took one last swipe at him, making Nekonata's back crash into a rock that had been hidden under the mud, he blacked out.

Santaya and Kristolia had joined the ranks of the mountain wolves. They ran forward relishing every kill. White Wolf howled in excitement.

King Althor and his clan had marched to the outskirts the forest. He raised his fist and they all stopped, he touched his left shoulder raised 2 fingers and pointed to the left. Some of his clan moved silently to the left, Althor repeated the same motions this time on his right, and again some of his clan moved silently to the right, the rest of them stayed in the middle moving forward.

The Crelden, a dark coloured man with blood-red eyes, was tall and slim. Was hiding high in the trees watching the fight. The fight was not going in his favour. He was beating himself inside for being stupidly premature for shooting his arrow to early. He had not anticipated that the Elves or the wretched Dwarves would show. The Dwarves rejected an alliance with his master, the King. The one true almighty powerful king in his eyes. Anyone who dared not follow his King were traitors. He cursed to himself and spat into the branches. He looked down below his feet noticing movement. “Oh for fuck sake!” He muttered to himself. The Dwarves had broken away from the main army to infiltrate the camp. He had sent his main forces into the battle all that was left was a small number of guards protecting the camp.

It was futile for the camp guards to fight and they threw down their weapons. Althor stepped forward into a small clearing near one of the campfires. “CRELDEN!” He called out. “I know you are here! Come out of your hiding place!” He waited. “Are you a coward?”

Crelden looked down. His King had specifically told him not to engage in a fight with the Dwarves, he had plans for them later. Crelden wanted nothing more than to kill Althor just as he did Althor’s father. But it would have to wait for another day. Crelden pulled out a small grey sphere from inside his pocket. “Take me home!” He whispered. There was a crack, followed by a loud boom. Crelden disappeared.

Gabija charged through the enemy, swinging her blades in arches, pivoting and dodging, parrying and attacking, she moved swiftly and elegantly, she listened to her heartbeat and moved in sync with it. Her blades whistled with every swing and parry, there were no metallic clashes from her weapons.

A loud whoosh followed by a boom came from the forest, a dark figure shot up into the air and disappeared in bright light.

“RETREAT, RETREAT, RETREAT!!!” The humans shouted. The Ingmars growled loudly. The remaining humans clambered onto the backs of the Ingmars as they ran for their lives.

Nekonata could feel someone licking his face, the breath coming from it was awful, smelt of the combination of blood, dirt and sweat. Nekonata slowly opened his eyes rubbing his temples. His vision was blurry and slowly came into focus. He noticed it was Kristolia licking him.

“Okay baby girl, I’m Okay. Stop licking me now will you!” Nekonata groaned as he tried to sit up.

Both sides the protectors and the enemy had suffered serious losses. The remaining of the army were now doing mercy kills to end the suffering of the enemy who was seriously injured. Their own they carried on horses back to Edena to be cured and mended by the healers.

A small man with ginger hair and a long ginger beard walked up to Nekonata slowly. He beat his fist against his chest. “Ingmar Slayer!” He said gruffly offering a hand to help Nekonata back to his feet.

Nekonata gladly took it. “ I guess I am right in assuming you are King Althor then?”

The Dwarf looked up smiling, “That I be, that I be.”

They both stood looking around. “Were any of your kin hurt?” Nekonata asked

“I lost 8 men, one of which be mine cousin, Soltz. Also, 18 be injured.”

“There has to be a better way to kill those beasts, we lost way too many to those alone.”

“Be not I know, I know of them no more than you.” Althor noticed Gabija helping those that had minor injuries. “Come let's see what use we be.”

Gabija looked up. “Are you okay?” She asked Nekonata.

Nekonata nodded rubbing his back.

“Vivi said you are needed back at Edena, Nekonata,” Gabija said without looking up.

“Okay.” Nekonata nodded to Althor and wandered off looking for Kimbo. He whistled, “Kimbo, come on boy!”

He saw Pat walking up to him. “I’m sorry Nekonata, Kimbo didn’t make it. An Ingmar got him.”

Pat took Nekonata to where Kimbo lay. The poor horse was covered in mud, blood and guts from the dead that lay around him. Kneeling down beside the horse Nekonata took a deep breath his heart aching.

“I didn’t know you for long Kimbo, you saved my life in the swamps. I am so sorry this happened to you.” Nekonata stroked the dead horse's mane.

Pat touched Nekonata on the shoulder. “We will bury him here.”

Nekonata nodded. “Burn the enemies body, away from the forest.”

Nekonata took one last look at his horse and walked away.

“The Crelden is the one responsible for this attack,” Vivi said speaking to Gabija and Althor.

“Who is the Crelden?”

“Rubian Blackthorn. He is the right hand, the Crelden of the King’s. Some say he is the reason the king is the way he is. Others say the King was never of the right mind, to begin with.” Replied Gabija.

Nekonata nodded in thought. He slowly started to walk back to Edena, his girls by his side.
I struggled with writing the battle scene more than I'd like to admit, and I still feel like I've missed something important out of it. I'm also thinking now I need to work out Althor's speech as well
I struggled with writing the battle scene more than I'd like to admit, and I still feel like I've missed something important out of it. I'm also thinking now I need to work out Althor's speech as well
Given the story, yes Althor's speech should be inspiring, motivating and should capture the strength of all of em
Chapters 15 and 16. As always thank you for reading, please don't hesitate if you need to ask any questions or give constructive criticism

Chapter 15, Awoken

Meera had reached the village, she flew behind a tree in the courtyard, her appearance changing from a swallow to a person. She had waist-length brown hair with blue eyes, her complexion fair. She walked casually through the entrance by the church, walking through corridors and straight into Tarasque’s chamber.

Cristina jumped up from her seat. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Meera replied “Friend of Vivi’s.” She walked up to the ginger-haired girl that was lay in the bed. Pinched her nose and poured the contents into the girls then opened mouth.

“What are you doing?” Cristina cried

Meera smiled and walked past without saying a word, she walked out of the room, turned down the corridor. With a small flash, she changed back into a swallow and flew out of the open window.

Cristina ran after the person, stopping at the corner. She was gone.

Running back into Tarasque’s room she slammed the door shut and locked it. Quickly going to her daughter, checking her temperature. She noticed Tarasque’s eyes were open, her pupils adjusting to the light in the room.

“Oh my god! Tara, you're awake!”

The drawn dragon on Tarasque’s arm flashed a pearly white colour. Tarasque was now awake, and her fever gone.

Cristina hugged her daughter tightly. “I can’t believe you’re awake! Is there anything I can get you?”

“I’m thirsty,” Tarasque replied. But her mum just stood there looking at her. “Mum I’m thirsty.”

“Ok baby, you need to rest to regain your strength. I’ll be here with you. I’m not going anywhere.” Her mother kissed her and moved away to the other end of the room.

Chapter 16, Thunder

Convel howled, his pack moved into formation. He bowed his head slightly, looking at Nekonata and Vivi. “Till next time!” He turned and set off back home with rest.

“It be time for us to go to.” Althor beat his fist to his chest. “There be lots of mining to catch up on.”

Nekonata shook the Dwarf King's hand. “Thank you, for coming to our aid. I’ll be sure to visit your mountains soon.”

“Be that you do! You’d be mine guest of honour.” He replied laughing. A horn rang out and Althor raised his fist in the air, and he to set off with his clan for their long march home.

“Saluton.” Gabija slowly and gracefully walked up to Nekonata and Vivi, her black armour shining brightly. On the breastplate of her armour was a panther etched into it and coloured green. Slung over her shoulder was a green bow, with a satchel of green fletched arrows hanging on her back. Her green bladed sword hung at her waist. “I sent mine army home this morning. We need to discuss what our next moves will be. Nekonata you are not ready to face Tormas yet.”

“I need my memory back, without it I feel useless. It pains me when people look at me like I should remember who they are.”

Vivi put a hand on Nekonata shoulder. “It will come back to you, you just need to be patient.”

“Fajro!” A fireball appeared on Nekonata’s hand, he threw it at a tree stump making it explode. “My patience is starting to wear away.” Nekonata walked away heading back towards Edena. Santaya and Kristolia as usual were right by his side.

“Doing daily things will help your memory to come back, child. You are strong, it will come back to you soon.”

Nekonata breathed in deeply still playing with fireballs in his hands. He looked at Vivi and walked away.

Meera appeared resting on Vivi’s shoulder. “It is done, the Dragon Lady is awake.” Meera ruffled her feathers and tucked her head underneath her wings, falling asleep.

“Malhela!” Vivi called out and his horse trotted to his side, he mounted patting his horse on its neck. “To Edena.” He said quietly.

Nekonata walked into the forest, climbing the tallest tree he could find, sitting on a branch. He sighed out loud.

Day slowly turned into night, and the clouds were getting heavy. “My favourite elements have always been fire and thunder.” He muttered to himself. “The ancient word for thunder…”

“Tondro” Came a voice from below.

Nekonata pushed some branches aside and looked down. He saw Gabija crouched on the floor fussing the wolves.

Nekonata looked at the palm of his hand, “Tondro” He muttered, and a small ball of thunder flickered in his hand and disappeared.

“Tondro!” He said this time with more confidence, the ball of thunder appeared stronger in his palm this time. Lasting longer before flickering out.

Nekonata dropped from branch to branch before landing softly on the ground. “Thank you!” He said touching his fist to his chest.

Gabija smiled, “That is the dwarves sign of respect. Us elves touch our chins just below the lips with the index finger and middle finger, and bring it down in a small arch.”

Nekonata followed the instructions, and Gabija smiled with a small bow.

Kristolia and Santaya bounced up and down on their front paws, tails wagging staring at Nekonata.

“Go, go hunt!” Nekonata laughed. Kristolia cocked her to the side. “Go, I’ll be fine, we are going to walk back to Edena.” Nekonata said looking at Gabija, the Elf nodded in agreement.

“It may be wise if you do not tell Vivi I told you of thunder’s true name, he would not be happy with me for interfering.”

Nekonata looked at Gabija, “Why won’t he help me remember?”

“He is worried if he tells you anything that your memories will come rushing back and overload on you. If that happens it could be very damaging to you.”

Nekonata looked at the ground, kicking a few loose stones.

Gabija stopped, putting her hands on Nekonata’ shoulders. “You are like the son that he never had. He loves you and wants the best for you like a father would his own, do you understand that?”

Nekonata looked into her eyes and nodded. “I think I do.”

“You want to learn how to manipulate your elements like you used to? Just think, when you say the elements true name for you it always comes up like a ball… therefore you are already manipulating it! You just didn’t realise.”

Nekonata looked up and smiled. “I hadn’t thought of it like that!”

“Small manipulations first… then bigger. Do not rush it! Take your time.” Gabija warned.

Gabija pulled out a small carved horse from her robes and handed it to Nekonata. “Inside, embedded into the carving is a small lock of Kimbo’s mane. I make this for you so he will always be with you. When you need help in your most desperate time of need have faith and be there he will.”

Nekonata smiled again, “Thank you.” He looked over the carving, examining every contour and curve. It was beautiful, it looked so real and lifelike, it was unreal. Just as he went to put the carving into his pocket, he noticed small wisps of smoke coming from its nostrils as if it were snorting.

Gabija looked away hiding a smile.

Nekonata heard the rustling of grass, turning he could see his girls coming back from there hunt. Santaya was dragging her half-eaten fox carcass behind her. He stopped to let them catch up, patting them both on their heads.

“Gabija,” Nekonata turned to look at her but she was gone. He looked in every direction, but the elf Queen was nowhere to be seen.

They continued on with there walk back to Edena. Celebrations were raging in the village. As Nekonata walked through the village, many of the villagers stopped to shake his hand and pat him on the back. Music was playing loudly, people dancing and drinking. Nekonata walked up to a table, picking up a jug smelling it, grabbing a cup he poured some and then grabbed a loaf of bread.

He saw Vivi, and just simply nodded, then turned away and walked towards the tree near the church. Sitting down on the floor resting his back against the trunk he ate and drank. The girls curled up by his feet, and Santaya finished her fox.
Chapters 17 and 18, you are now up to where I am with writing this story. I am at a point when I'm in the middle of doing a lot of research and trying to figure out which way I want to take it. As always please feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure of something, and constructive criticism is more than welcome. Thank You for reading this so far

Chapter 17, Drunken Anger.

There was a loud knock on the heavy oak doors.

“ENTER!” Snarled a drunken slovenly man.

The doors opened, a man with dark skin, dark hair and blood-red eyes walked into the chamber slowly and casually, his cloak billowing behind him. He dropped to one knee and bowed.

“Sire, He has found the one you hate. They’ve made allies with Elves, Dwarves and the Mountain Wolves…”

Sitting up the drunken man took his crown off, undid the clasp of his cloak. He stood up and swayed, then slowly staggered down the few steps from his throne. Leaning down he grabbed his right-hand man Rubian Blackthorn by the throat and lifted him off the floor.

“You mean you failed!” The king snarled. “I do NOT like failure!” Dropping Rubian on to the floor, he sat back down on his throne. “MORE WINE!”

A small timid maid hurriedly filled his tankard and moved several paces back.

“The mountain wolves. Tell me about them!”

“Sire, they were led by a white wolf, with a blue and brown eye.”

“Convel!... So he is still alive is he!” The king drank. “Vivi must have helped him, healed him with his sorcery!” The king drank again:- “MORE WINE!” Again the maid rushed forward to give him a refill, instead the king snatched the jug from her, some wine sloshed over the sides and splashed on to the king’s arm, his face flushed in anger, quicker than the eyes could see he grabbed a dagger from his waist and rammed the blade into the maid’s chest and through her heart. Letting go of the dagger, she crashed to the floor.

Rubian didn’t flinch he watched as a pool of blood started to form around the dead maid.

“We will wait to see, what the next course of there’s will be.” Muttered the king.

“Sire, my sources tell me that the one named Nekonata has amnesia, that he can’t remember much about his past or his sorcery.”

The king sat up and stared at Rubian. “It will be a matter of time till he remembers… the Dragon and it’s Rider… have they been seen or heard?”

Rubian shook his head. “They are doing well to hide Sire, my mole spy is getting me regular updates but nothing important has surmised as of yet.”

“Go, get out of my sight, I need time to think!”

Rubian stood up and bowed low, turning swiftly on his heel he left. Just as the heavy oak doors swung shut he heard the king shout demanding more wine.

Chapter 18, Unmitigated Frustration

“Fajro!” Nekonata muttered, clearing his mind he made the fireball turn into a square, slowly and difficulty turned the fire-square into a triangle. Without thinking he started to contort the fire-triangle into something bigger, after several moments it contorted into a small full-sized pony. Nekonata smiled. The pony got bigger and bigger and bigger until it started to resemble a full-sized horse.

It was then he noticed someone banging on his door, breaking his concentration he realised his bedroom rug was on fire.

Nekonata raised his hand “Akvo!” A ball of water appeared in his hand and he threw it at the rug putting out the fire.

His bedroom door burst open and Vivi stormed into the room “Are you ok? What happened?”

“An accident..” Nekonata replied shoulder barging past Vivi and other people he didn’t recognise. Walking out and into the courtyard he saw Kristolia and Santaya playing with each other, he whistled and they both ran to his side.

Nekonata walked not caring where his legs took him. The Ingmar killing Kimbo, his memory not being altogether and the fact he couldn’t remember people who had an important role in his life when was younger was starting to frustrate him. He could hear this voice in his head, “Frustration can lead to anger, and anger to hate. You must learn to stay calm.” He had no idea whose voice it was but it was starting to grate on him.

“FAJRO!” A fireball erupted from the palm his hand with such force he threw it as hard as he could. The fireball hit a group of oak trees on the edge of the forest, the trees exploded.

Nekonata breathing heavily slowly walked up to the trees to assess the damage he’d made. There was nothing left of the trees but roots that were still smouldering. Nekonata sighed and walked away.

Nekonata slumped down against the willow tree, the very same willow tree he had fallen asleep at earlier. Resting his back against the trunk he closed his eyes, his girls came in close and rested their heads on his lap. He hugged them tightly.

“Why fire… why did he start me learning fire?” Nekonata muttered to himself. “Fire this, fire that.”

Nekonata stroked his wolves. “Fire, Water, Thunder, and Air… I could choose any of those and have it be my favourite, my signature element… but which one?”

Nekonata stood up, an image of a horse in his mind… “Tondro!” He clapped both of his hands together and slowly moved them apart, sparks flickered between his palms, the further he moved his palms away the steadier and sharper the thunder got, a few moments later there was a full-sized horse in front of him… made from thunder, but something wasn’t right.

“That’s weird!” Nekonata murmured as he walked around his thunder horse. “Isn’t thunder supposed to be white? Or blue?” The thunder horse snickered and scraped its left hoof in the ground.

The sky darkened and rain started to pour heavily. Nekonata looked up into the sky distracted when he looked back his thunder horse had disappeared.


Tara stood up and stretched her legs. “He helped me, mother. I want to meet him, I want to thank him.”

“All in time my dear daughter. There’s plenty of time to be doing things like that. For now, I don’t want you to overexert yourself.”

“Oh, mother! Stop fussing! I must see Elqiana as well, I’ve not seen her for so long!” The dragon tattoo on her arm flashed from black to white. Tara smiled.

Tara walked to her bedroom window opening the shutters. The sunlight momentarily blinding her. The villagers were busy outside going about their daily duties. She watched a farmer usher a herd of cows from one field to another. She watched a young boy and girl chasing chickens that had escaped from their pens. Looking out into the distant land she saw a strange coloured light flickering, getting bigger and bigger, till eventually, it stopped. She couldn’t make out the shape of this flickering light but it was strange, very strange. The sky darkened and heavens opened, rain poured down hard.

“Argh! Why did it have to start raining! I wanted to go for a walk!” Tara moaned slumping down on a chair.

There was a knock on the door, Cristina stood up and slowly answered it.

“Well met Cristina, how are you and Tarasque today?” Vivi asked.

“Oh Master Vivi, please do come in! We are both fine.”

“Where is the man that helped me, Vivi?” Tara asked firmer than she meant.

Vivi smiled, “He is around, where I do not know. There is something bothering him at moment.”

“Why do you call him Nekonata? Why does everyone call him Nekonata? Nekonata just means Unknown in the ancient language! Even Elqiana won’t tell me! And I know she knows something!”

Vivi laughed, “You’ve a lot of questions, young lady!” He looked at Cristina with a smile. “Has she always been this inquisitive?”

Cristina laughed and nodded, “Yes, and all the more why I love her!”

“Eurgh mother! Stop being so mushy!” Tara said rolling her eyes. “Vivi, will he be ok? And why didn’t you answer my questions?”

“He will be fine child, he has a hard path ahead of him, just like you do. His name is something that he needs to find and figure out for himself. When all comes together he will be your most important companion, equally as important as Elqiana. Do you understand?”

Tara looked Vivi deep in his eyes, “I understand.” She replied quietly.

Vivi clapped his hands, “Right, who’s hungry? I don’t know about you, but I’m bloody starving!”

Cristina and Tara laughed. “Right you are then! Follow me!” Vivi said turning on his heel.


The sun cast its orange glow over the horizon as it fell into the depths at the end of the world. Owls hooted and swooped down from their perches in the trees on the edge of the forest, to catch their prey, foxes came out of their dens to stretch their legs and cautiously look around.

The wolves, Santaya and Kristolia curled up on the ground lay near the edge of a fire, ears pricked listening to the surroundings.

The fire crackled loudly waking up Nekonata muttered a spell and sticks flew from a pile into the fire making the flames spit and crackle in a manic fury. Kristolia covered her sensitive ears with her paws.

Clouds gathered in the far distance and lightning flashed across the horizon. Nekonata rolled over onto his side.

“Your strength is in your heart and courage. Only you can decide the path you wish to take. Just remember there are people who love and care for you that will help you.” Nekonata readout from an old folded piece of parchment.

He sighed, folded the letter up and carefully put it into his pocket. Holding his palm out flat, he muttered “Fajro!” and a small ball of fire flickered into his hand. Slowly its shape morphed from a ball into a square, a triangle, then an arrow. Sitting up he threw the ‘fire arrow’ into the sky, releasing his flow of magic, he watched as it exploded into cascading embers.

“Girls tomorrow we will move out, go wherever our feet take us.”

“Hmm, choose you must! Linger no more!” croaked the over-sized raven.

“Fine! Tell me a direction and we will go!”

“Desert you must go.”

Nekonata rolled his eyes. He placed his armour and sword carefully into his makeshift rucksack and tied it to the saddle of his mount, a chestnut mare called Myrtle. He slung his bow and quiver over his shoulder. “Vanduo!” He muttered throwing a large ball of water over his shoulder to put the fire out. “Come on girls, let’s go.”

The wolves slowly stood up and stretched yawning, Loki took up his usual perch on Nekonata shoulder. Mounting Myrtle he gently patted her neck and she moved forward at a slow trot.


“How can he just disappear like that?” Tara screamed. “He is needed HERE!”
“Calm down Tara honey!” Her mother responded. “No one understands what goes through his mind. He probably needs time to himself.”

Tara stamped her foot in frustration. “Time? Time to himself? He’s had who knows how much time!”

Tara took a large bite out of an apple, speaking with her mouthful, “I should ask Elqiana if she could look for him for me.”

“You could but she may refuse, for the moment at least.”


The clacking of hooves could be heard as they slowly trotted down the cobbled road, the strips of iron bound to the wooden wheels clacking and grating as the rolled carrying the weight of the king on his horse-drawn chariot.

The king in a foul mood armed with a lightweight hunting bow notched an arrow. “DAVID, I’m getting tired of this now, SHOW YOURSELF!”

David was the unfortunate one to feel the king's wrath because he couldn’t afford to pay the already too high taxes. He panicked and ran from the tree he was hiding behind.

The king raised his bow, pulling the bowstring to his cheek, he breathed in and exhaled as he released his arrow. David froze from fear and watched as the flew towards him. He felt no pain as the arrow ripped through his left eye straight through his brain with the tip embedding itself into the base of his skull.

“DWIGHT!” Shouted the king.

A stocky broad man stepped forward, “Yes my Lord?”

The king kicked him hard in the chest knocking him over. “Make my arrows sharper, I want them to go all the way through!”

“Yes my Lord!” The man replied with his head bowed as he slowly got back to his feet.

The king harshly pulled his reins to the left forcing the horses to turn his chariot quickly.

“GET RID OF THE CARCASS!” He shouted over his shoulder.

He stormed through his city back to his residence not caring if he knocked stalls and products over.

Walking through his mansion he pushed servants and maids out of his way, he stopped abruptly in front of a young maid with light brown hair and grabbed her bottom firmly, the maid jumped and squealed with fright. She slowly turned to face him, realising who it was she bowed her head as she curtsied.

A door opened, a tall slim woman with black hair popped her head around the doorway. “Ah, my dear husband, there you are! Please come entertain me, I am very bored!”

The king snarled at the maid. “Yes my dear, I’m coming.”


“Wild boar and mead!” Althor clapped his hands. “This be what I’ve been waiting for all day!”

“The meets aren’t going as planned?” Nekonata asked.

“In mine world, things move slower than snails my friend, but fear not we are on to more important topics now.”

The Dwarf king raised his hand for his guest to take to the meat first. Nekonata grabbed his knife.

“Grab the leg.” Whispered Donal. “Grab the leg and take the biggest bite you can, this be our custom.”

Doing as he was told, he grabbed a leg tearing at the meat, letting all the succulent juices drip down his chin, he raised the leg in the air, “Delicious!” The Dwarves cheered and tucked into there huge buffet.

“Excellent!” Commented Althor. “This is what they needed, small gestures like such go a long way for mine kin to take your side.”

Nekonata nodded. “The quicker, the better…”

A dwarf child Henrietta came forward timidly. Quietly she asked, “Please could you show us a magic trick?”

Nekonata looked at Althor who shrugged his shoulders.

“Please ask everyone to move away from the centre of the room.”

Althor nodded and spoke loudly in his native language. Once the centre was clear and empty Nekonata walked forward.

“Magic is precious, it can help, guide, heal, destroy, kill and in rare circumstances can make things grow.” Donal translated. “In this case, I am going to show the manipulation of the elements.”

Nekonata paused, cupping his hands close together, “Akvo.” A small ball of water shimmered in his hands as it got bigger the water ball wriggled and contorted until it slowly started to form the shape of a rose. The dwarves clapped amazed. He let go of the flow of magic and the water rose fell splashing on the ground.

“Fajro!” This time a ball of fire flared in his hand, a little quicker this time it changed into a large bird of fire. “Behold the bird of fire, I name Phoenix!” Nekonata moved his hands around the room slowly directing the firebird to fly over the gasping heads. After several minutes the Phoenix faded away. The dwarves clapped and cheered.

“For my next show, I advise you all to cover your ears.” He waited a few moments.

Clapping his hands together firmly, “Tondro!” There was a loud clap of thunder and a flickering ball appeared in his hands, it crackled louder and louder as it got bigger and bigger until the ball of thunder was six feet in circumference, after a few moments it stretched then four legs started to form at the bottom, suddenly a head sprouted forwards eventually revealing a full-sized horse made of purple flickering thunder. Nekonata motioned for Henriette to come forward. The thunder horse snickered pawing its hoof on the floor. Picking the dwarf girl up he put her on the horse's back. Nekonata guided the horse around the room letting many of the dwarves stroke and pat it.

Althor stepped forward, calmly standing by his side he whispered, “Enough for today methinks.” He winked.

The horse stopped and Nekonata helped Henriette down. Clapping his hands the thunder horse vanished. Nekonata bowed as all the dwarves clapped, cheered and stamped their feet.

Henrietta walked forward curtsied and said, “Thank You.”

“Mine pleasure!” Nekonata replied smiling.

Once everyone was distracted with their own chatter of what they had just seen Nekonata said to Althor. “I need food, as much as I enjoyed showing off, I’ve no energy left.”

Althor laughed loudly. “You were enjoying it too much!”


“The spell you gave me and potion… I did exactly what you told me, how is it that he’s starting to remember?”

“I do not know, it seems something of an unknown protection was put in place before you got there. I know not of which… it shouldn’t have been possible!” Replied a croaky voice from the shadows

“We are in trouble if he remembers everything, and the Dragon Rider wakes it will be harder to make that idiot king do what we want.”

“We will move to plan C soon.”

“And what plan is this?”

“You will know soon enough Rubian, soon enough.”
Wow, I can't believe is been 5 years since I last added or shared anything of this story. I do have more written up, but not much more, I've struggled with writers block a lot and also had things happening in real life, but I will work harder on this, I will
Wow, I can't believe is been 5 years since I last added or shared anything of this story. I do have more written up, but not much more, I've struggled with writers block a lot and also had things happening in real life, but I will work harder on this, I will
@Billy I'm so happy to see one of my fav forum member back !! I hope more people read your work........