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Something to tell

It is irrelevant in this 21st century on speaking about sexual health especially for a novice like me, but as a Dr.Dear I'm here with some nourishing knowledge to be imparted on you. It is my liability.
Before beginning with sexual awareness let me begin with 2 facts, just as a knowledge to be added up in your brain: nothing more.

  1. every human after being fused, is said to be feminine form and then gradually be changed into men and women.
  2. the nipple in male is the clean testimony for this fact
The content that I want to convey is purely based on my opinion combined with scientific facts.
  1. I know this is a mature content and should be taken under serious maturity. As a medical student, I am a witness of the tragic fact about the prevailing AIDS, WARTS and many other sexually transmitted diseases daily. I am aware that all the educated members of ZoZo are well aware of these things. But be patient to remind yourself with some safe practices. everything you do pays you in the future.
  2. Clearly, we should be an open minded in the case of sexual practices, sex is not only physical intimacy as many thinks. Both men and women should convey their sexual deeds like any other ideas to their partner so as to maintain a strong bonding of unending joy without boring. It thus also reduces the extramarital affairs. I am not putting an idea to stop searching for your adult partners but choose with wit and brain.
  3. Oral sexual practices should be done with care, (limits on limits) It can cause symphonia and other viral diseases.
  4. Use of condoms, T caps and many other remedies are not a case of fun to be ridiculed. As you know pregnancy is not a matter that is easily adaptable.
  5. Feel free to talk to your partner daily of the new expedition that you want to try, don't feel it as a low standard talk.
  6. Mutual respect should be given. Dominance may or may not causes unhappy ending of joy.
  7. Consult a doctor to know more about your doubts on these matters or else just google it!
  8. Use of certain sexual devices and practices without complete knowledge is absurd and dangerous.
  9. Don't be an addict to porn, anything over certain limit is dangerous. According to certain reports, (from what I read) seeing porn reduces your interest for real physical intimacy.
  10. Try a new way to make love for it increase the bond between you and your partner(s)
Great but all these are points for real sex. Give some knowledge about cyber sex also :happy1:
Great but all these are points for real sex. Give some knowledge about cyber sex also :happy1:
cyber sex! do u mean virtual one? :las: Lol its beyond my capacity to express views on that topic, better if you add a comment here on that:Cwl:
It is irrelevant in this 21st century on speaking about sexual health especially for a novice like me, but as a Dr.Dear I'm here with some nourishing knowledge to be imparted on you. It is my liability.
Before beginning with sexual awareness let me begin with 2 facts, just as a knowledge to be added up in your brain: nothing more.

  1. every human after being fused, is said to be feminine form and then gradually be changed into men and women.
  2. the nipple in male is the clean testimony for this fact
The content that I want to convey is purely based on my opinion combined with scientific facts.
  1. I know this is a mature content and should be taken under serious maturity. As a medical student, I am a witness of the tragic fact about the prevailing AIDS, WARTS and many other sexually transmitted diseases daily. I am aware that all the educated members of ZoZo are well aware of these things. But be patient to remind yourself with some safe practices. everything you do pays you in the future.
  2. Clearly, we should be an open minded in the case of sexual practices, sex is not only physical intimacy as many thinks. Both men and women should convey their sexual deeds like any other ideas to their partner so as to maintain a strong bonding of unending joy without boring. It thus also reduces the extramarital affairs. I am not putting an idea to stop searching for your adult partners but choose with wit and brain.
  3. Oral sexual practices should be done with care, (limits on limits) It can cause symphonia and other viral diseases.
  4. Use of condoms, T caps and many other remedies are not a case of fun to be ridiculed. As you know pregnancy is not a matter that is easily adaptable.
  5. Feel free to talk to your partner daily of the new expedition that you want to try, don't feel it as a low standard talk.
  6. Mutual respect should be given. Dominance may or may not causes unhappy ending of joy.
  7. Consult a doctor to know more about your doubts on these matters or else just google it!
  8. Use of certain sexual devices and practices without complete knowledge is absurd and dangerous.
  9. Don't be an addict to porn, anything over certain limit is dangerous. According to certain reports, (from what I read) seeing porn reduces your interest for real physical intimacy.
  10. Try a new way to make love for it increase the bond between you and your partner(s)
Now i confirm ur Dr. Love Dear

U have enlightened me .
What a post
It is irrelevant in this 21st century on speaking about sexual health especially for a novice like me, but as a Dr.Dear I'm here with some nourishing knowledge to be imparted on you. It is my liability.
Before beginning with sexual awareness let me begin with 2 facts, just as a knowledge to be added up in your brain: nothing more.

  1. every human after being fused, is said to be feminine form and then gradually be changed into men and women.
  2. the nipple in male is the clean testimony for this fact
The content that I want to convey is purely based on my opinion combined with scientific facts.
  1. I know this is a mature content and should be taken under serious maturity. As a medical student, I am a witness of the tragic fact about the prevailing AIDS, WARTS and many other sexually transmitted diseases daily. I am aware that all the educated members of ZoZo are well aware of these things. But be patient to remind yourself with some safe practices. everything you do pays you in the future.
  2. Clearly, we should be an open minded in the case of sexual practices, sex is not only physical intimacy as many thinks. Both men and women should convey their sexual deeds like any other ideas to their partner so as to maintain a strong bonding of unending joy without boring. It thus also reduces the extramarital affairs. I am not putting an idea to stop searching for your adult partners but choose with wit and brain.
  3. Oral sexual practices should be done with care, (limits on limits) It can cause symphonia and other viral diseases.
  4. Use of condoms, T caps and many other remedies are not a case of fun to be ridiculed. As you know pregnancy is not a matter that is easily adaptable.
  5. Feel free to talk to your partner daily of the new expedition that you want to try, don't feel it as a low standard talk.
  6. Mutual respect should be given. Dominance may or may not causes unhappy ending of joy.
  7. Consult a doctor to know more about your doubts on these matters or else just google it!
  8. Use of certain sexual devices and practices without complete knowledge is absurd and dangerous.
  9. Don't be an addict to porn, anything over certain limit is dangerous. According to certain reports, (from what I read) seeing porn reduces your interest for real physical intimacy.
  10. Try a new way to make love for it increase the bond between you and your partner(s)
Well said!! Kindly keep steady your focus on study...!! :)
sometimes the partner will be unwilling to reveal what they want, hiding what you like yields bad result
Sex can turn into a long-lasting nightmare if a lack of sex education and body/ soul awareness exists. And that’s exactly why it took me so long to return to the most natural act on earth: making love. Being one with another body and if extremely blessed, another soul.

Then suddenly the perfect partner appeared in my life. Naturally. Without any force or me trying to do something. I’ve had to do nothing. It was and still is wild. Suddenly everything feels so easy and safe and smooth and simply wonderful.