• We kindly request chatzozo forum members to follow forum rules to avoid getting a temporary suspension. Do not use non-English languages in the International Sex Chat Discussion section. This section is mainly created for everyone who uses English as their communication language.

Informative simple way especially for the new member of the forum how to use forum part 2.

First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
Nice information dear ✨ :Like: @Somaiya Karn
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

View attachment 98307
First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
Thank you so much but I am still not getting how many points are needed to become pro member on chat site
Thank you. I got it. Now there is one last question. How am I going to earn the points?
You will see many threads posted as latest posts, or you can create your new post too in specific thread room respectively ...... " Mind to Create meaning full posts not just hi hello hahaha"
after you have created your message like this on the thread click on post reply button.... you will get reaction scores on them.... which will eventually give you points.....
these are called reactions.....

For Messages You get reaction scores ant eventually points....

Thats all
सबसे पहले मंच पर आपका स्वागत है। हम सभी को नई चीजें सीखने के लिए एक अच्छे मार्गदर्शक की आवश्यकता होती है और हम आसानी से सीखने के लिए उत्सुक भी होते हैं। आइए कुछ सीखें.
विशेष रूप से यह थ्रेड उन लोगों के लिए है जो नहीं जानते कि फोरम से कैसे जुड़ें, इसका उपयोग कैसे करें। उम्मीद है कि हमारे फोरम सदस्य सब कुछ आसान तरीके से सीखेंगे और मजेदार जानकारी के साथ फोरम का आनंद लेंगे... संदेश की सीमा 30 कर दी गई है। समय सीमा के बारे में चिंता न करें। समय समाप्त होने पर फिर से आनंद लें, तब तक थ्रेड पढ़ें... उपयोगकर्ता एक दिन में 2 से 3 स्टेटस अपडेट कर सकते हैं, 1 से 2 सर्वश्रेष्ठ थ्रेड बना सकते हैं। पोस्ट करने से पहले सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात याद रखें कि आपकी पोस्ट कम उम्र और धर्म से संबंधित नहीं होनी चाहिए... पोस्ट करने से पहले थ्रेड जांच लें, हो सकता है कि आप जो करने जा रहे हैं उसमें से कोई पहले ही पोस्ट कर चुका हो।
आप हमारी साइट और फ़ोरम समुदाय पर किसी भी ब्राउज़र से लॉग इन कर सकते हैं और पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित तरीके से आनंद ले सकते हैं

View attachment 98311

पहले स्क्रीनशॉट में ऊपर चैट रूम पर क्लिक करने से आपकी पसंद के क्षेत्रीय भाषा रूम में शामिल होने के लिए कुछ विकल्प दिखाई देते हैं। फ़ोरम विकल्प पर क्लिक करें फिर फ़ोरम में शामिल हों...

View attachment 98307
सबसे पहले अब दूसरे स्क्रीनशॉट पर ध्यान दें...
[फोरम में शामिल हों]
अगर आपके पास पुरानी आईडी है तो लॉगिन पर क्लिक करें, अपना नाम पासवर्ड टाइप करें और फोरम से जुड़ें। यदि आप अपना पासवर्ड भूल गए हैं, तो चिंता न करें, फॉरगॉट पासवर्ड पर क्लिक करें और अपना ईमेल टाइप करें जिसे आपने फोरम पर अपनी आईडी बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया था, कुछ ही सेकंड में आपके पास अपना ईमेल पासवर्ड पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए एक लिंक होगा। यदि आप अभी भी अतिथि उपयोगकर्ता हैं, तो आपके पास कोई आईडी नहीं है
जल्द ही फोरम से जुड़ें और ज़ोज़ो परिवार के सदस्य बनें, सत्यापित ईमेल के साथ अपनी आईडी पंजीकृत करें। पंजीकरण के बाद, ज़ोज़ो की ओर से आपके ईमेल पर एक लिंक भेजा जाएगा। लिंक पर क्लिक करके अपनी आईडी को सुरक्षित रूप से सत्यापित करने के लिए सत्यापन लिंक पर क्लिक करें।

View attachment 98309अब आपकी अपनी Id बन गयी है.
अपना पहला थ्रेड स्वयं बनाएं, घंटी पर क्लिक करें, अपनी सूचनाएं जांचें...

4.View attachment 98310
आईडी बनाने के बाद अपने पसंदीदा, पसंदीदा प्रोफ़ाइल पोस्ट के नाम पर क्लिक करें। अपने खाते की जानकारी प्राप्त करें जिसे आप बदलना चाहते हैं। अपना संदेश प्रतिक्रिया स्कोर देखें

नया क्या है पर क्लिक करें... नई नई गतिविधि सदस्य पोस्ट के बारे में जानकारी यहां से प्राप्त करें। नए सदस्य के साथ चैट यहां से करें।

. सदस्यों पर क्लिक करें और पर्याप्त सदस्यों से उच्चतम स्कोर अंक प्राप्त करें। मित्रों के जन्मदिन की जानकारी प्राप्त करें.
चैट स्टाफ सदस्य से मिलें.

यदि आप साइट से संबंधित किसी भी समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं, तो बेझिझक संदेश भेजें, हम आपको आश्वासन देते हैं, कर्मचारी समुदाय आपको समाधान देगा।
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
Hello, welcome to the forum. And read this thread carefully, hope you will learn how to post thread... @GandharvanG
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

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Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
Thanks so much !! ❤️
First of all welcome to the forum. We all need a good guide in learning new things and we are also eager to learn easily. Let's learn something.
Especially this thread for those who do not know how to join the forum, how to use it. Hopefully our forum member will learn everything in an easy way and will enjoy the forum with fun information.....The message limit has been in to 30. Don't worry about time limits. Enjoy again when time is over, till then read the threads.. ..Users can update 2 to 3 status in a day, create 1 to 2 best threads. Before posting most important thing remember your post should not be related to underage and religion... Check the thread before posting, maybe someone from among you has already posted what you are going to do.
You can login from any browser on our site and forum community and enjoy in a completely safe way

View attachment 98311

Clicking on Chat Rooms above in the first screenshot shows some options to join the regional language room of your choice. Click on Forum Options then Join Forum...

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First of all now pay attention to the second screenshot...
If you have old id then click on login, type your name password and join the forum. If you have forgotten your password, don't worry, click on Forgot Password and type your email that you used on the forum to create your ID, within a few seconds, you will have a link to recover your email password. If you are still a guest user, you do not have an ID, then
Join the forum soon and become a zozo family member, register your ID with verified email After registering, a link will be sent to your email from Zozo. Click on the verification link to securely verify your ID by clicking on the link.

View attachment 98309Now your own Id has been created..
Create your first thread interduce yourself.click on bell check your notifications...

4.View attachment 98310
After creating ID click on ur name your preferred, favourite profile post .get your account information those you want to change . See your message reaction scores

click on what's new ....Get information about new new activity member post from here .chat with new member from here

. Click on the members and get the highest score points from the enough members. Get birthday information of friends.
Meet with Chat Staff Member.

If you are facing any problem related to the site, feel free to message, we assure you, the staff community will give you the solution.
Soo helpful ur informative