53). What colour symbolises peace??
Shakespeare54). Who wrote Romeo and Juliet??
Answer:- William Shakespeare54). Who wrote Romeo and Juliet??
Tiger55) . Gir National Park in Gujarat is famous for??
No same kind a animalTiger
Lion then..No same kind a animal
Yes correctLion then..
Tiger comes in mind for 'save the tiger'concept
Answer:- Lion55) . Gir National Park in Gujarat is famous for??
Not sure now with the game they're playing with power. I wish it could have been me!56). Who has been appointed as the new Governor of the Reserve Bank of India??
Answer:- Shaktikanta Das56). Who has been appointed as the new Governor of the Reserve Bank of India??
Answer:- the stapes57). Name the smallest bone in the human body??
CorrectStepiz (name in doubt)
Ear bone
Helium58). Name the gas which is filled in balloons??