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Sextual flirting suggestion to try: 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。


Favoured Frenzy
Chat Pro User

What is sexual flirting, really?​

Sexual flirting isn’t about “I like you,” it’s about “I want you.” Trust us, there’s a very real difference between those two statements. You can like someone and want to get to know someone, whilst also wanting to get closer to them.

But if you want someone, you don’t always have to want to get to know them. Think about Tinder for one, much of the flirting that goes on is downright sexual and nothing else!

If you’re not sure how to go about performing sexual flirting, and you’re trying to give someone you’re seeing the heads up that you’re feeling a little, shall we say, frisky, then let’s check out a few features of this steamy type of flirting

Know when to flirt

The sexiest way to flirt with someone? Know when the right time to be sexy and flirty is!

We can tell a lot about someone from their body language. If someone is turned away from you, crossing their arms, or avoiding eye contact, it’s pretty safe to say that they’re not in the mood for sexual flirting.

And when someone isn’t in the mood, you won’t be able to change their mind, no matter how good your technique is.

The eye contact and coy smile combo

We’ve all seen this one, and we’ve probably done it without realizing it. Sexual flirting 101 is catching a hot person’s eyes, looking down for a second, and then letting your eyes run up their body to catch their eyes once more, all with a coy smile on your face.

If you bite your finger or sip on a straw at the same time, you get bonus points for extra hot sexual flirting.

Talking just a little naughty

There is a difference between dirty talk and naughty talk, and when you’re trying out sexual flirting, you need to stick to the naughty side of the spectrum. Dirty talk is for when the deed actually happens, not before!

Again, coyness is the way to go with this one. Something like, “I’m sorry I can’t help but stare at your biceps,” and then cover your eyes in a joking way and say, “Oh I can’t believe I just said that,” to cover it up and give an innocent edge would work like a charm.

Sexual innuendos work wonderfully well in sexual flirting, because they’re thinking, “Did they really just say that? Or, am I imagining it?” and it keeps the game flowing back and forth.

Invade their space

You know that regular flirting involves slight touching, e.g. touching their arm when you laugh, or a joking nudge, but sexual flirting takes it up a notch. Now, be careful not to cross any lines here… You’re trying to invade space, not invade their boundaries!
Try standing just a little closer than you normally would, so they can feel your breath against their skin. That odd brush against their skin that’s just a second longer than is necessary. These are all sexual flirting hints that aren’t heavy, but make them think, “Hmm, signals are coming my way here.”


Stroke their hand

This one might sound ridiculous at first, but hear us out. When you’re out in public, sitting holding hands perhaps, make lazy circles on their palm. It feels fantastic, and it’s just enough suggestion to make them know what you’re thinking about.

It’s not a full-on PDA, and it’s not going to make anyone uncomfortable, but the two of you will know where it’s going.
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