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Resolutions - 2024!

Increase workout by 50% and decrease chat zozo by same percentage.
Successfully implemented the first part and miserably failed in second part. Now Beta is a blessing in disguise and I’m sure can completely quit it.
Drink more water and less Red Bull.
Failed and will be carried over to 2025
Watch Malgudi Days, Young Sheldon, and the Big Bang theory with different perspective and vantage point.
Wow ! Completed all and that’s the best thing I did.
Induce empathy into conversations where ever possible.
I have realized in a hard way that - inducing empathy has a side effects of being a “cockroach “ - yes, someone called me like this when I asked “ is all well” to a lady that I know very well ( or at least I thought I know ). It’s deemed as approaching a.k.a “Cock-Roach-Ing”. So I completely stopped asking that question - since irrespective of me - asking - it doesn’t alter the situation. This resolution is totally stricken out.
Drive at posted speeds and take slow turns.
Implemented successfully and didn’t get any traffic tickets this year ( 2024)
Limit sexting to only once in a day.
There were some dry days - yeah, implemented when ever it’s possible.
Read at least 30 pages a day and write at least once in a month.
Successfully implemented and has been imbibed into my nightly routine.
Stay away from commenting unnecessarily on other threads.
Moderately I did well I guess. But it’s for others to comment on how I did.
Do not ping new VIPs.
Yes, did it awesomely well as I realized that most of them are like recycled plastic skins.
Don’t rush into ping friends in the list as if they are logged in only for you.
Just to implement this resolution, I have removed friends in my list so that I will not have urge to ping when I see them online.
Complete at least two certifications where it helps to expand the horizon.
Completed one and the next one carried over to 2025.
Reduce ( at least by 50% ) smoking and limit alcohol to only once a week.
Successfully worked on alcohol but a lot of work to do on smoking, at least I have reduced it from 30+ to 20 in 2024. Remaining work is carried over to 2025.

No new resolutions for 2025 except working on carried over stuff.
Successfully implemented the first part and miserably failed in second part. Now Beta is a blessing in disguise and I’m sure can completely quit it.

Failed and will be carried over to 2025

Wow ! Completed all and that’s the best thing I did.

I have realized in a hard way that - inducing empathy has a side effects of being a “cockroach “ - yes, someone called me like this when I asked “ is all well” to a lady that I know very well ( or at least I thought I know ). It’s deemed as approaching a.k.a “Cock-Roach-Ing”. So I completely stopped asking that question - since irrespective of me - asking - it doesn’t alter the situation. This resolution is totally stricken out.

Implemented successfully and didn’t get any traffic tickets this year ( 2024)

There were some dry days - yeah, implemented when ever it’s possible.

Successfully implemented and has been imbibed into my nightly routine.

Moderately I did well I guess. But it’s for others to comment on how I did.

Yes, did it awesomely well as I realized that most of them are like recycled plastic skins.

Just to implement this resolution, I have removed friends in my list so that I will not have urge to ping when I see them online.

Completed one and the next one carried over to 2025.

Successfully worked on alcohol but a lot of work to do on smoking, at least I have reduced it from 30+ to 20 in 2024. Remaining work is carried over to 2025.

No new resolutions for 2025 except working on carried over stuff.
Creating a list of resolutions and striving to follow them is truly inspiring to others. I’ll try to do the same!..Thank you
Creating a list of resolutions and striving to follow them is truly inspiring to others. I’ll try to do the same!..Thank you
Let me see your 2025 resolutions - may be I can borrow some.
Successfully implemented the first part and miserably failed in second part. Now Beta is a blessing in disguise and I’m sure can completely quit it.
Completely?! Ahhhh send bit of that motivation here
I have realized in a hard way that - inducing empathy has a side effects of being a “cockroach “ - yes, someone called me like this when I asked “ is all well” to a lady that I know very well ( or at least I thought I know ). It’s deemed as approaching a.k.a “Cock-Roach-Ing”. So I completely stopped asking that question - since irrespective of me - asking - it doesn’t alter the situation. This resolution is totally stricken out.
Roaches was my favourite word but ahhhh i bet hearing "Cock-roaching" definitely hurt... Nd just like that u ended it really... No war nothing :cry1:(jk)
Empathy so rare that's why it's hard for many to feel it... Anyways is this why u never asked me that question(feeling wronged here lol what if i wasn't well)... Guess I'll die without hearing this :cry1:
Remember that saying all is well if it ends well... So indirectly u got ur answer for that "all is well" question too:Cwl:
There were some dry days - yeah, implemented when ever it’s possible.
Dry days :Cwl: maybe this motivation need bit changing for less dry spells "limiting sexting to once with one in a day"
recycled plastic skins.
No new resolutions for 2025 except working on carried over stuff.
Keep it up... overall u did very well...
Nd you're welcome :clapping:
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Let me see your 2025 resolutions - may be I can borrow some.
I don’t have a list because I can never be as disciplined as you, even if I try to prepare one. My one and only resolution every year is to "Exercise Regularly", and I fail at it miserably every time!

I don’t want to spoil your thread with an Instagram post, but I came across one recently that conveys the message better. Let me share it here.

Was an interesting read ..
Glad there's ppl still listing resolutions and striving to follow them... I gave up on resolutions when in school lol.

If only u didn't get used to the stuff u did that u had to list them as resolutions to cut em down...

Nevertheless... Respect and appreciation to the efforts u putting in now :)

Sorry, if I sounded nosy..!
  • Increase workout by 50% and decrease chat zozo by same percentage.
  • Drink more water and less Red Bull.
  • Watch Malgudi Days, Young Sheldon, and the Big Bang theory with different perspective and vantage point.
  • Induce empathy into conversations where ever possible.
  • Drive at posted speeds and take slow turns.
  • Limit sexting to only once in a day.
  • Read at least 30 pages a day and write at least once in a month.
  • Stay away from commenting unnecessarily on other threads.
  • Do not ping new VIPs.
  • Don’t rush into ping friends in the list as if they are logged in only for you.
  • Complete at least two certifications where it helps to expand the horizon.
  • Reduce ( at least by 50% ) smoking and limit alcohol to only once a week.
Note : This is repost from my profile, just to re-emphasize myself!!!

If you know me, you can add few other actions ;)
Hope u get to fulfill all of those. :rock:btw, no resolutions for me this year.... :bandid:
I’m really looking forward to spending more quality time with my family and finally finishing college. It’s been such an intense journey, with so many late nights and deadlines, but I’m determined to get it all done. This time, I’m planning to use some extra help from https://academized.com/write-my-college-papers to make sure I stay on track and get everything done on time. It’s such a relief to know I have reliable support to help manage the workload, so I can focus on what truly matters—like creating memories with my loved ones while also achieving my goals.
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