I'll be with you from DUSK TILL DAWN...!! 

View attachment 185921
- Image is highly sharpened. Try to opt for a RAW format, rather than the auto-compressed format in phones - jpeg
- Not exactly true color - could be due to device you are using
- Is it a random pic? Or any theme based? - Unclear
- The tree is a distraction actually. It neither adds up to the image or shows any considerable details. Shadows overtaking it
- Exposure time needs to be altered
- The sky texture is very subtle and complex to be captured in real. Choice of timing of the shot is key
- Is the sunset your focus? - This again points to theme
- The image space is not much utilized. The proportion of 'non expressive' sky is occupying a lot of space
Hope you take this on a positive note. Try working with "Street Photography". And do write down the theme for a series. Writing down theme helps you to align the kind of imagery you want to capture. From there, you yourself can analyze what changes can enhance a photograph. And try to have a weekly theme, and try "capturing" (not mere clicking. Spend time to set up your shot. Think when would be the right time to capture the image that aligns to your theme)
Photography can be used to express an emotion, or capture a moment. Choice is left to you.
P.S: I'm not talking about "technicalities" - kind of lens, aperture, exposure time, focal length of the lens, type of filters if any. Primarily, I am not aware of them, and I think those all come into play when we actually capture an expression / moment, and then try to push it towards the professional level. I am just a layman! A damn lazy layman mate!