When you're new, everyone's a stranger right ? So was I to everyone else ! So i first registered on Zozo as Strangero5. The number was random though.
Made friends over the days..
Got accidentally caught in an instant ban cross fire between Pops and Rose .. the first and only time I got banned. Point to be noted.. Accidentally.
And that instance led me into taking VIP ! hahah..! Ppl talked of this instance for a few days as my crowning ceremony LMAO !
One of the few VIPs I'd regularly chat with said the name's gotto change coz am not longer another stranger in the room... And after some contemplation came up with "Cherry" add some more love, lust and fun to it.. it became "Cherrypie" LOL ! That was my first nick as VIP.
After a month or two I wanted a change. A name of my own thought. Was always associated with the Sun. Following that thought as Sun.... Solar... ended up with Solara as the user ID and Phoenix as my name