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My confessions and Apologies....

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I was going to post this on my last day and disappear forever coz Idk how I'll face everyone after posting this. There are people who talk shit about me but there are some who think I'm a good person, I'm not. I have done terrible things to some people that'll I'll be confessing in this thread. I want people to know about my bad side before I leave, if anybody is gonna remember me, I want them to know what wrong I did.

1 - I betrayed my female friend. (She's not here anymore, so please don't play guess games). When I was single and felt lonely, I got close to her ex and we ended up sexting. Who gets close to a friend's ex ? Not the true ones, but I did. I can't use loneliness as an excuse of my betrayal. I told her about this coz I felt guilty and ofc she couldn't take the betrayal. I deserve her hatred. The guilt I feel is not gonna live me peacefully ever, if she'll read this ever I just want her to know that Karma will hit me back : )

2 - I was toxic to the most innocent soul I met here @SPIRIT . I broke up with him, he didn't want to. I had my reasons but it could have been in better way. I was so rude and toxic to him, I made him cry, not just once but many times. He's the nicest, the most loyal guy I have ever met and yet I behaved so harshly with him.

3 - I called one of my friend Psycho, I knew what pain he has felt when someone said this to him. We fought, he was wrong but I hurt him by using this word "Psycho" and that was the worst I could do to him.

I feel guilty, a lot for whatever I have done to these people. I am sorry. I'll be paying for this some day in my life. I don't want you guys to forgive me, I don't deserve forgiveness. I'm posting this publicly coz I don't want people to remember me as the goody goody girl. Ik after posting this thread people who did wrong to me will spread fake stories and wrong things about me, and others will believe them as these people are famous, but it's okay, I deserve that.

I have never done wrong to anyone except the people I mentioned above, and if I said anything rude or smtg to anyone else, they deserved it and I'm not gonna apologize to them.

I only want to apologize to the people I mentioned above coz I have given them pain which I can never take back, I'm sorry again.....
I just wanna say one thing: the most important thing for someone who's done wrong is to acknowledge their mistake, feel guilty about it, and realize they were wrong. And You've already taken that step.Girl We're all here to get rid of our stress from real life, make friends, and have some good chats. Yeah i do agree sometimes things go wrong and many shit happened but don't let it get to you. If you feel like leave zozo can make you feel better then it's totally fine...that's okay. But if you're feeling like that ki if you stays here people might hate you then sweetheart don't worry about that ..they're too busy with their own shit ...Just make sure one thing you're not hurting yourself or others, and you're good to go, sweetheart. What happens here in zozo, let that shit stays here only.. You've already apologized for your actions, so if someone still blames you, just show ur middle finger to them and move on....
@Anshhi @BellaLuna @NEPTUNE @SiRa @Pearl Beach @jasminee @JackDani @Dom55 @Illusion

I was very much scared to post this coz I thought people will hate me, spread rumours about me, and I didn't expect kind words at all !
I don't think I deserve kindness from any of you. I posted this thread to confess and apologize not to seek sympathy or kindness towards me.

I have been defamed, abused, threatened, blackmailed. Somebody shared my personal stuff with others. A 5 year old friend of mine brought my person info on wall, he said my parents should die. I have been betrayed by many people too. Can I forget it and forgive them ?

@SiRa Can you forgive people who have done wrong to you ma ?

Can any of you forgive people who abused you, your family, betrayed you, cheated on you ?

Then how can I expect others to forgive me ?

The pain that people have inflicted on me, won't go away easily and the pain that I have inflicted on someone won't go away. It's just the person who is suffering knows how badly it hurts.

I have good relations with you guys, that's why you are being kind to me, but what if that girl was you @Pearl Beach , @BellaLuna @NEPTUNE ? What if you guys were my close friends and I go around and sext with your ex ? Would you forgive me ?

You won't right ? When we keep ourselves in the place of the person who's suffering we understand it's not easy to forgive nor forget. So Ik I don't deserve the forgiveness nor kindness from any of you. Even if that girl forgives me this is smtg that I'll always feel guilty about, till I'm alive !! But I'll try to be a good person from now onwards and not do stupidity and shitty things.. Thanks for your kind words but this is what I truly feel.

@SPIRIT is a kind person, he just doesn't understand how bad world is. But, please don't be like this, not every harsh person is good, don't do this to yourself it'll be difficult for you in future, bad people are bad people, learn to accept it !
u w'll find a million reasons to blame, everything for a cause is fyn. Past is past, leave it, move on.
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