I think we should let go , if they have to they would have stayed . True essence of love isn't about holding on, but It's about loving without condition, without expectation, and without attachment. By letting go, we find a love that's real
Whats gone is gone.. No regrets..
Love is in everyone. Love is not the same in everyone. Those who say that love will always be with you. It is because of small things that you are separated. If you show the mind to understand and listen to each other before making the decision to break up, that love will never end.Through distance, doubt, and silent cries,
Love never truly says goodbye.
And when the moment feels just right,
We’ll find each other in the light.
So though it’s gone, it’s not the end,
For lost love will return again!
Only if its truly LOVE
You're there, so why am I worried?Whats gone is gone.. No regrets..
Let go of the idea that all decisions should always be right. If you show the mind to understand and listen to each other once, even if everything is right, there will be no one in life who is not mistaken. When you show the mind to correct it, you show the mind to forgive. Isn't that true love? Life is only one.I think we should let go , if they have to they would have stayed . True essence of love isn't about holding on, but It's about loving without condition, without expectation, and without attachment. By letting go, we find a love that's real
Mistakes are made in life, but true love begins when you can correct and forgive yourself.And if it does, its not love
Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s effort. If both people are willing to communicate, work through issues, and truly want to be together again, love can be revive.
Love begins and ends in two minds. If you can put each other in your mind and think the same way, love is beautiful. That love will always be with you.Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s effort. If both people are willing to communicate, work through issues, and truly want to be together again, love can be revive.
Happy with my me time
Nah, I'm busy dating my own happiness right now