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Death is a universal human experience, yet what happens after we die remains one of the greatest mysteries of existence. Some believe in an afterlife, where the soul continues on in another realm or dimension. Others see death as the end of consciousness, with nothing beyond the physical body.

Let's explore this profound topic together. What are your thoughts on life after death? Do you believe in an afterlife, and if so, what form might it take? Alternatively, do you subscribe to a worldview where death signifies the end of existence? Share your perspectives, beliefs, and any personal experiences that have shaped your understanding of this enigmatic subject. Let's engage in a respectful and thought-provoking discussion as we contemplate the mysteries of what lies beyond mortality.
Life after death is a profound mystery that has intrigued humanity for centuries, with beliefs varying widely among different cultures and religions. While some see it as a spiritual continuation or reincarnation, others view it as eternal rest. Regardless of the perspective, it remains one of life's greatest and most intriguing unknowns.
Life after death is a profound mystery that has intrigued humanity for centuries, with beliefs varying widely among different cultures and religions. While some see it as a spiritual continuation or reincarnation, others view it as eternal rest. Regardless of the perspective, it remains one of life's greatest and most intriguing unknowns.
But hey, how about we just enjoy this life and keep the afterlife as a beautiful mystery for later? We can leave the deep dives into the beyond for the philosophers and storytellers while we make the most of our time here.
Death is a universal human experience, yet what happens after we die remains one of the greatest mysteries of existence. Some believe in an afterlife, where the soul continues on in another realm or dimension. Others see death as the end of consciousness, with nothing beyond the physical body.

Let's explore this profound topic together. What are your thoughts on life after death? Do you believe in an afterlife, and if so, what form might it take? Alternatively, do you subscribe to a worldview where death signifies the end of existence? Share your perspectives, beliefs, and any personal experiences that have shaped your understanding of this enigmatic subject. Let's engage in a respectful and thought-provoking discussion as we contemplate the mysteries of what lies beyond mortality.
Death is a part of life. If one is born there is a sure death.
I do believe in after life and the idea of athma.When you die nothing is over it's just a beginning for something else.
It's really amazing to think about athma leaving our body once we are dead and taking a new form. It really gives a different perspective about the way which we see death
I belive in afterlife, its not because i am a fan of myths. Its science and as Newton stated energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. Human body is made of atoms and subatomic particles. They bond together very tightly that we get a solid shape. Now lets see what happens after death. As per hindu belief, the dead body will be burnt and that causes the atoms and subatomic particles in the body to release the bond and become more free. Its again matter changing from solid to gas state due to high temperature. So in the gas, is there any change in the atoms that were in the solid state? The answer is no. The only difference now is that the atoms are not strongly bonded together and they are free to move around.

Thts where the myth states after the death the athma will merge with the cosmic energy in the universe.

what happened to the burned ashes? they dissolve themselves in the thin air?
If you want the answer to this question then I will have to die for you then I will know what happens after life. But you have to promise that you will bring me back alive again from God. If you can then you will get your answer. :happy1:
He will dewl for few days or months and then move on...

then he will take a SEAT on the seashore and have a look at heaven by having popcorn or ice cream.
ashes are collected in a pot and kept for few days and then disposes in river or lake or sea. There are few procedures for that.
Im very well aware of it... the life and death of humans... There is no after life... you have one and only visible life, which is now... once you are dead... you are dead... maybe the energy of your body might released in a form of atom distribution. But what happens to your brain? there where all your memories are stitched together. Without brain what the hell you gonna do ?

Every life on this earth will be recycled; that's how this world is designed to. You are part of someone and then you will be a part of someone...

after 3-5 generations none gonna remember ur prectly round ass... that's the life... and you are worried about after life?

Karma is there,, if u do something against someone, it will get you... but not on other life... you will remember it before your death bed...
I belive in afterlife, its not because i am a fan of myths. Its science and as Newton stated energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. Human body is made of atoms and subatomic particles. They bond together very tightly that we get a solid shape. Now lets see what happens after death. As per hindu belief, the dead body will be burnt and that causes the atoms and subatomic particles in the body to release the bond and become more free. Its again matter changing from solid to gas state due to high temperature. So in the gas, is there any change in the atoms that were in the solid state? The answer is no. The only difference now is that the atoms are not strongly bonded together and they are free to move around.

Thts where the myth states after the death the athma will merge with the cosmic energy in the universe.
That's absolutely an epic explanation. Thanks for this :heart1: