I wish to take you to the flower valley,
High upon the mountain's embrace.
But let me warn you, the journey is no ease,
A path fraught with trials and grace.
The trek will be long,
Entwined with challenges,
Laden with honey traps—
Temptations we must leave behind.
At times my steps may falter,
And at times you may burn with fever.
Hold me close when I stumble,
And I’ll be the warmth to heal your shiver.
Fear not for together we’ll conquer the road.
The valley awaits its beauty untold,
Yet it’s the stormy journey we’ll remember,
The trials that made us bold.
High upon the mountain's embrace.
But let me warn you, the journey is no ease,
A path fraught with trials and grace.
The trek will be long,
Entwined with challenges,
Laden with honey traps—
Temptations we must leave behind.
At times my steps may falter,
And at times you may burn with fever.
Hold me close when I stumble,
And I’ll be the warmth to heal your shiver.
Fear not for together we’ll conquer the road.
The valley awaits its beauty untold,
Yet it’s the stormy journey we’ll remember,
The trials that made us bold.