I admit. I'm quite a slow learner. The hardest part is to read a mind- to realize your place in someone's brain and to know what the real intention of a person is, who pretends to be the savior of our life from the miseries and pain that we endure, and then suddenly disappears.
I learnt it, not with in a day or so. Rather, gradually. A wolf can wear a sheep skin- n preferences change over time.
The once *constant contacts*, turns into rare chats over time. The bridge to *stranger-hood* is too short.
The very core of this subject is- don't ever be completely reliant on your partner when you are in a relation. At the end of the day, it's your war, it's your story, it's your pains and no other mor*ns would be there to aid u when you are needy.
Learn to respect your feelings and comforts over others happiness. Being selfish in a selfish world won't do bad. Accept it- world won't treat u same all the time.
If someone charts off your life, then elope outta the person. Run as far as u can, dat he won't be able to chase your reason.
Learn to forget. Learn to prioritize your peace. Be the sole dictator of your life- be a Hitler, in case if someone limits your freedom
It's Me, Myself- dats important.
Afterall, *Situationship* predominates over *Relationship*.
#be selfish.
I learnt it, not with in a day or so. Rather, gradually. A wolf can wear a sheep skin- n preferences change over time.
The once *constant contacts*, turns into rare chats over time. The bridge to *stranger-hood* is too short.
The very core of this subject is- don't ever be completely reliant on your partner when you are in a relation. At the end of the day, it's your war, it's your story, it's your pains and no other mor*ns would be there to aid u when you are needy.
Learn to respect your feelings and comforts over others happiness. Being selfish in a selfish world won't do bad. Accept it- world won't treat u same all the time.
If someone charts off your life, then elope outta the person. Run as far as u can, dat he won't be able to chase your reason.
Learn to forget. Learn to prioritize your peace. Be the sole dictator of your life- be a Hitler, in case if someone limits your freedom
It's Me, Myself- dats important.
Afterall, *Situationship* predominates over *Relationship*.
#be selfish.