Well, we all got imaginations in our mind which make us different from others. I'd an imagination that I could be perfect because I was fascinated towards that a single particular word 'perfection'.. we've imagined thousands of things in our mind from becoming pilot to becoming rich...But now I think imagination is just a delusion to give you temporary state of happiness because imagination is nothing if we don't try to achieve it. For me , the imagination was to become a tought competitor to everyone who is gonna face me for opportunities for better life... You know it's hard to chase imagination until you've strong mindset like who had idea that one day we can fly from one place to another or can talk with anyone with just a single click... Imagination isn't bad but living in imagination is terrible thing.. Try to use imagination as a fuel of dedication because imagination never ends, it's beyond ... In the end, I just wanna say , I'd imagined myself as best than others and in my real life I always try to be and I'll do... XD