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If man developed from monkeys?

If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
View attachment 260772
My mother gave birth to me, so does my mother not exist ? We know that those who gave birth to us must exist. And all mothers exist in this world.

And if I think of the answer to your question in that way, then I will say that Monkey did not give birth to us. We have also evolved from apes to humans through different evolutionary processes.

( I don't know if my opinion is right or wrong. This is what came into my head:nodding:.)

It is not like we evolved from monkeys, whereas we both species evolved from a common ancestor. And if you look you can see many monkeys within humans:giggle: and vice versa.
By the way we are not evolved from monkeys but more from ape like species. That's what chatgpt said :think:
That is the actual truth. Humans and monkeys are both primates. But humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today. We do share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. It lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. But humans and chimpanzees evolved differently from that same ancestor. All apes and monkeys share a more distant relative, which lived about 25 million years ago.
My mother gave birth to me, so does my mother not exist ? We know that those who gave birth to us must exist. And all mothers exist in this world.

And if I think of the answer to your question in that way, then I will say that Monkey did not give birth to us. We have also evolved from apes to humans through different evolutionary processes.

( I don't know if my opinion is right or wrong. This is what came into my head:nodding:.)

Excellent thought. But our mothers are human. My question was if we evolved from monkeys then why are there modern monkeys? Why didn't they evolve?
My mother gave birth to me, so does my mother not exist ? We know that those who gave birth to us must exist. And all mothers exist in this world.

And if I think of the answer to your question in that way, then I will say that Monkey did not give birth to us. We have also evolved from apes to humans through different evolutionary processes.

( I don't know if my opinion is right or wrong. This is what came into my head:nodding:.)

Since the thread is posted on wierd questions...this is a wierd answer :Cwl:

The theory of evolution is a theory. It cannot be proven and it hasn't been proven but it's just widely accepted across the scientific community because there is no alternative as of now.

They say that we share ancestry with the monkeys. But if we take that notion why didn't we share ancestry with rabbits because our genetic code (DNA) resembles very much with rabbits.

Evolutionists reject most of Darwin's theories today as well.

Do animals adapt to their environment. Ofcourse, we do find it among humans as well. People who live in an environment adapt to the said environment. Take examples of people living in the antartic and Atlantic or the poles and us in the tropics, they are better suited to survive there than us. That is an adaption!!

But interspecies evolution? There is no proof for it in science...it cannot be proven in a clinical trial.

Hence the evolutional theory put forward is just an idea to understand where did humans come from in a scientific manner. But it's doesn't have any concrete proof for the past 150 years
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