Here's how to calculate your Soul Number:
To calculate
your Heart’s Desire / Soul Urge number, assign each
vowel of
your name a
number from the chart. Do this separately for
your First Name, Middle Name (if you have one) and
Last Name (Surname). For each of
your names add the
numbers up separately, reducing them down to a
single digit value.
S U R Y A = 1 + 3 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 21 == 2 + 1 == 3
Mine is 3
[ comment yours, I will ping you the personality]
Number 3 are known as
problem solvers. They are innovative in their thought process and come up with solutions quickly. They think outside the box and have a unique approach to day-to-day life issues. They are optimistic and have a childish side to them that makes them endearing yet annoying.