When you are still studying they will ask when will you get a job..
After getting a job and you are not married, they will ask you when are you getting married... After getting married they will ask you when are going to become a parent...
After getting a child why your child looks so weak bla bla...
After few years, they will again ask when are you planning for next baby.. And this will never stop..
Avoid these boomers and move on... These questions aren't asked with care.. They want to show you that how superior they are..
They will not be happy if you get a better job than their children..
They are not going to spend money for your marriage..
They are not going to pay your children School fees medical bills..
They are not going pay your debt..
Don't care about the boomers of your life.. Just say mooditu po
After getting a job and you are not married, they will ask you when are you getting married... After getting married they will ask you when are going to become a parent...
After getting a child why your child looks so weak bla bla...
After few years, they will again ask when are you planning for next baby.. And this will never stop..
Avoid these boomers and move on... These questions aren't asked with care.. They want to show you that how superior they are..
They will not be happy if you get a better job than their children..
They are not going to spend money for your marriage..
They are not going to pay your children School fees medical bills..
They are not going pay your debt..
Don't care about the boomers of your life.. Just say mooditu po