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Last night, I observed a relentless barrage of abusive language in Hindi chat (beta). Despite the admin ji's concerted efforts to ban him repeatedly—once, twice, and thrice—he persisted in reappearing, akin to an insidious parasite that refuses to depart.
Is abusing a skill or an art? NO, IF YOU HAVE ANY VENGEANCE TOWARDS ANYONE OF THE USERS, ABUSING THEM IS NOT THE REMEDY TO SOLVE THE ISSUE. Abuses involving family members are not really appreciable- They are offensive. Be aware of 'respect' and 'keeping the wall peaceful is our fundamental responsibility'.

Before abusing check these laws, if you are reported then you may face these legal consequences. (source: Wikipedia) We are here in ZoZo, an adult chat site, which means sexting and all other dirty talks can be done here, but with respect and mutual consent only. If you try to destroy the peace out by making abuses to the peak, then you are going to be like 'behind the bars and having a happy journey, RIP- others say'

Abusing others, whether it’s with words or actions, isn’t just morally wrong; it really shows a primitive mindset. When someone goes for insults or aggression, it’s like they can’t have a real conversation or empathize at all. We’re all here to enjoy life, connect with each other, and create good vibes, not to spread negativity by abusing. I get it—it’s easy to lash out when we’re frustrated, but choosing kindness and respect can uplift everyone, including ourselves. We’re all on our own journeys and deserve a space that’s free from hostility. Personal space is what is granted for all, don't ever try to enter it.

Moreover no one requests you (abusers only) to stay here, it's your choice. But stick to the rules of the site for a happy chatting!

Dr ElarA:heart1:
Definitely a reminder,