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  1. MusicLover

    True words

  2. Syenika


  3. D


    Jindagi gulzar h
  4. Majin V

    Beautiful Disaster

    Everyone's whore, we just sell every part of us to ourselves.
  5. Satyanweshi

    পর্ব ১

    কয়েক মুহূর্তের অবকাশে দুটো ঝর্ণার সৃষ্টি হয়েছিলো। উৎস জানা, কিন্তু উৎপত্তির কারণ আজও অজানা থেকে গেছে। সত্যি অজানা? নাকি জেনেবুঝে শেষ শান্তিচুক্তির চাপে পড়ে, শুধু মাত্র একটা যুদ্ধ এড়ানোর জল্পনা। কোনও এক দ্বিপাক্ষিক গুপ্তচরের মদতে ঘন কুয়াশার তলা দিয়ে সাদা মলাটেমোড়া একটা লাল কবিতার খাতা আজও...
  6. gowthammm

    Boys Mentality vs Girls Mentality

    Boys seeks many girls for sex but actually what they need is pure love from someone special. :) Girls seek for pure love from all boys they come across but actually what they need is hard fast fuck.. :p Agree ????
  7. Friday_Jarvis

    POV of every Peter Parker!

    Peter knows the pain he carries. Hence he doesn't want any other Peter to bear the same too.. (*The scene where the Amazing Spider Man saves MJ, Visualising the loss of Gwen)
  8. Appu

    Sun and moon

    The sun & Moon The sunshine you, And.....the moonlight me.. The sun-moon love, Love of the lightness of the sun.... Love of the brightness of the moon..... The sun-moon love, You're my sun I'm your moon.... The sun-moon love, A light and bright life A light and...
  9. Daku

    Kaun hai yeh log kaha se ate haiii...; )

  10. Ruhanika

    Hey follow me

  11. D

    Happy Mothers Day Ladies

    Today, Sunday the 11/03/2018, we celebrate mothers day (in the UK), an homage to all those long (and for some short) suffering moms who make this world tick over and somehow manage to always have the right answers, and who have the ability to make life seem so much better with a smile, or a...
  12. Yumster


    Don't fall into the trap of misinterpretation....a lot of unnecessary confusion will arise...don't make it's empire long...else it will steal a full country map...
  13. Yumster

    Crazy Lover

    I'm crazy, crazy for you. Now you know what love is. Theglance which came swinging around and kissed you castan intoxication over you. Who knows what your eyes spoke to mine! Cast me in your own color; Will you give me coloring,darling? Protect my honor, guard my modesty! Who knows what your...
  14. Yumster

    What sort of myth is this?

    There’s a shadow cast by a pair of beautiful eyes on my heart There’s magic, there’s passion If You find a heart lying at Your feet Pick it up carefully and kiss it In case someone asks if You’ve picked it up from a road If the free spirited one is gone, I’ll call out for her everywhere She...
  15. Kamini

    The types of Love

    It is my first article and I am discussing the most complex, important, and painful topic in the whole universe which got crushed and fitted into a 4 letter word called "Love":heart1:. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Let's do this :nodding:. It is gonna be long, so if you get bored in the middle...
  16. Wicked

    Then its Rising,Not Falling

  17. Bacon Girl

    Even Through This I Will Love You...

    You say everyone leaves, you say no one can tolerate you, that you are a mess that even I will one day see it. One day realise it, one day just recognise you are difficult and overbearing and leave but my darling you needn’t fear because that’s just your past experience talking, nostalgia lying...
  18. Bacon Girl

    Tips To Love Yourself Before You Love Someone Else!

    You’re never going to be finished with learning how to love yourself. Because there is no finish line. It’s a never-ending pursuit for every person on this earth. Even the most seemingly confident, comfortable people have not succeeded in fully loving themselves, because loving ourselves is a...