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Obsessed with nagavalli..!!!


;༊ Laughing Beauty of Zozo..☾☘️✨
Posting Freak

Manichithrathazhu!!!!!the movie shows the best examble for split personality disorder by actress shobhana..
personally i love this movie very much nd one more think is,even now while i watching any status or any scenes based on this movie i will be that nagavalli for a while.....
share yours fav movie nd character which obsessed you a lot............images (77).jpeg
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Manichithrathazhu!!!!!the movie shows the best examble for split personality disorder by actress shobhana..
personally i love this movie very much nd one more think is,even now while i watching any status or any scenes based on this movie i will be that nagavalli for a while.....
share yours fav movie nd character which obsessed you a lot............View attachment 123322
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