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Yes, I am an introvert❤️

Somaiya Karn

Quodophile of ZoZo
Staff member
Posting Freak
images (43).jpegYes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, images (72).jpegI don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.images (41).jpeg

Are you an introvert like me?
Wow. I dont have words to appreciate the way you narrated your own self. Such a clarity of mind. Beautifully penned down. I was spellbound reading it .If its real you then adjectives would fell short to describe you. Genius, bold, down to earth , honest, straight forward, pure are few of them,:cool:

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View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
Well said girl if u ever need a shoulder to rest am there
Decide first whether you are an introvert or a shy person.

Even though these words are used interchangeably, the difference has to be clearly understood.

images - 2024-05-11T072121.453.jpeg

Introverts enjoy more time when they are alone. For them, interaction can be very exhausting emotionally and mentally and hence they need time to recharge, by some indoor activities like, writing, reading, etc.

Shyness on the other hand is more of a social fear of interaction with the fear of being judged.

Everyone, including extroverts feel shy at times, and the only way to overcome this would be by putting yourself more and more in those threatening situations, where you tend to feel shy.Once you do this, the fear automatically vanishes and others judgement is immaterial to you and you can be care free.

So now, if you are an introvert, just stay true to what you are and people around you will gradually begin to accept and respect you for what you are. Never try to change your personality trait which you love, for social acceptance and recognition.
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
Aww So Sweetuuu:inlove:
I'm in sometimes..
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
Being introvert is good or bad I don't know,
But I generally watch PPL and listen.
I don't talk too much with others.
I don't openup with anyone soon...

But if I open up with anyone I can talk unlimited whatever, any nonsense thing which mk him/her laugh and happy...

And yes I always remain with myself and thinking always different different topics or ideas and write in my own words...

I don't know what it's called egoist, introvert or extrovert or whatever....

I love myself what I m and it matters me...
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
HOW BEAUTIFULLY U EXPLAINED ALLL :heart1: :clapping::heart1:@Somaiya Karn
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
Yes me too
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
I understand completely. I'm an introvert too, or perhaps life experiences have made me one. I cherish meaningful conversations over small talk, prefer solitude or the company of a few close friends, and find energy in quiet reflection. Just because I'm silent doesn't mean I'm sad or angry—I'm simply recharging. Silence and introspection are strengths, not weaknesses.
Decide first whether you are an introvert or a shy person.

Even though these words are used interchangeably, the difference has to be clearly understood.

View attachment 234453

Introverts enjoy more time when they are alone. For them, interaction can be very exhausting emotionally and mentally and hence they need time to recharge, by some indoor activities like, writing, reading, etc.

Shyness on the other hand is more of a social fear of interaction with the fear of being judged.

Everyone, including extroverts feel shy at times, and the only way to overcome this would be by putting yourself more and more in those threatening situations, where you tend to feel shy.Once you do this, the fear automatically vanishes and others judgement is immaterial to you and you can be care free.

So now, if you are an introvert, just stay true to what you are and people around you will gradually begin to accept and respect you for what you are. Never try to change your personality trait which you love, for social acceptance and recognition.
The way you have described yourself,I am just Fidha on you....You have written your description very well,although I want to say better about such a beautiful writing but I cannot say it for lack of words.
View attachment 234373Yes, I am an introvert, it does not mean that I am shy. No, I'm not stuck either. No, I am not anti-social either, I just like to listen first and then see. I can't tolerate small things, sometimes I tolerate big things too.But I will talk about life for hours. I like to talk about life for hours but not with everyone. I prefer to be at home with one or two close friends rather than being surrounded by a large crowd of acquaintances. I prefer limited relationships rather than a long line of relationships.I don't like being scolded in public. Don't embarrass me in front of everyone, respect the fact that I would be hurt by this, if I open up to you then know that you are very special to me because I don't even talk to everyone. If you feel that I am silent then it may be because you have not been able to know me properly or I do not want to talk to you openly.I am rarely bored alone. Because I like to be alone. I often get bored sometimes in groups and crowds. Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I like to be quiet. I'm a strong independent introvert who doesn't need any introvert wishes other than an a priori introverted social life. Solitude is more important for our health and happiness.Introverts are able to behave like extroverts for work that they consider important, for people they love or for anything that they value highly. Your introversion is a gift that doesn't need to be fixed or fixed. It may seem like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pretty busy problem solving, being creative, or just thinking with about multiple of tabs open in my head.Introverts get energy from being alone while extroverts get energy from being around others. Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet, I know more than I say, View attachment 234375I don't even like to say as much. I think more than I speak and observe more than you know. Sometimes I need to step up myself. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm recharging my batteries.Silence is frightening only to those who are compulsively speaking verbally When I see an animal my first instinct is to say "Hello." I like to read the eyes of animals, I also like to listen to the birds singing, I love to watch the flowers smiling. I love animals more than humans. When I look at a person my first instinct is to avoid eye contact and hope they go away. I don't like anyone to talk to me. Calm people have the sharpest minds.Sometimes I become quiet and don't talk to anyone for days. I mean I'm not planning on doing anything. Introverts come together separately in their own homes… I always like being an introvert.View attachment 234374

Are you an introvert like me?
Yeah I'm an introvert :highfive:
Oh!!! Shit I am selective Extrovert....
Multiple varient... Do I need a vaccine... To deal with these... Or just need a love dose :holiday: