Attachment we feel for our partner....As two people get closer to each other in a relationship, there is natural tendency to hold on to the other partner, not loose him/her ever in life, to keep him/her with you till you die .... This natural desire to cling onto a partner is called attachment...... This feeling of attachment can grow to an extreme level and it can turn into possessiveness... Biggest reason why a boy or a girl feels insecure in a relationship is because of attachment... Attachment almost always breeds insecurity. It make us come up with several ‘what if' scenarios and worry about each of those scenario......
perfect relationship is the one where both partners think that the other is too good for them and want to be with each other.....
Is this common for everyone having insecurities.....
perfect relationship is the one where both partners think that the other is too good for them and want to be with each other.....
Is this common for everyone having insecurities.....