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What was an unforgettable childhood memories...?♥️

What were the unforgettable childhood memories...?
wn place
*Old friends
* Etc........

Playing that child games with neighbouring kids....
Hide and seek
Ice water
Peetu etc etc etc....
Were Golden memories.......:Dream1::blush:
Watching popeye, shakthiman, My dear bootham, etc
playing in rain, paalaguzhi, swimming,
creating home by sand and cooking with mini pot, vessels..


Will stop here otherwise you may in trouble to read my essay...:Cwl:
അതെ... ഇന്നും എന്നെ ജെട്ടി ഇടാൻ നിർബന്ധിതനാക്കുന്നത് ആ വേദനയുടെ ഓർമ്മകളാണ്...
A. പടം കാണാൻ VCP vcr.. ബ്ലാകാൻ വൈറ്റ് Tv