24-year-old Garima loves three boys. All three are her boyfriends. Especially Garima's three boyfriends know each other very well. They all took that bond lightly.
Is it possible for one person to love three people at the same time? That is the question now
Garima answers 'yes' to that.
In fact, this kind of relationship she has is called 'Polyamorous relationship'. Many people know that such a relationship is called polyamory.
Many around the world, including India, are now openly talking about such bonds.
The most important thing for polyamory is honesty and transparency in their relationships. Each partner in this relationship should understand each other well. He should advance his relationship with everyone's acceptance.
Is it possible for one person to love three people at the same time? That is the question now
Garima answers 'yes' to that.
In fact, this kind of relationship she has is called 'Polyamorous relationship'. Many people know that such a relationship is called polyamory.
Many around the world, including India, are now openly talking about such bonds.
What is polyamory relationship?
Polyamory is a combination of two Greek and Latin words. Poly(Greek) Emor(Latin) words. Poly means many or more than one, Emor means love. That is, loving one or more than one person is called 'polyamory'.The most important thing for polyamory is honesty and transparency in their relationships. Each partner in this relationship should understand each other well. He should advance his relationship with everyone's acceptance.