IMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Obviously cant replace but when real sex is not possible, virtual sex can give fun. Something is better then nothing .IMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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No experienceIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Virtual sex is only an excuse for not getting real sex. It is just an escape from reality. Indian girls are just exploiting this situation to earn money without loosing virginityIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Seeing Virtual sex (masturbastion ) is just a form of self pleasure and NOT MEDICALLY CLASSED as sexually atctive (every doctor can tell you that espcially a OBGYN) ,it is also away of being in contol of yourself ,knowing your limits and also another wayof communicating with a partner to set the mood wether male or female , The buildup is less about physical stimulation and more about forming an emotional connection.
Real sex is more about the Physical emation ,allowing someone to access your intimacy ,allowing someone to touch your skin ,to feel the warmth inside you ,allowing a partner to control your movements .Being Physical with a partner is a way to learn to trust in another
virtual sex and real sex are still sex ,one is stimulation and pleasuring of the mind and mental emotion ,the other the pleasure of physical emotion and trust
ExactlyIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Well said ,beautiful.Seeing Virtual sex (masturbastion ) is just a form of self pleasure and NOT MEDICALLY CLASSED as sexually atctive (every doctor can tell you that espcially a OBGYN) ,it is also away of being in contol of yourself ,knowing your limits and also another wayof communicating with a partner to set the mood wether male or female , The buildup is less about physical stimulation and more about forming an emotional connection.
Real sex is more about the Physical emation ,allowing someone to access your intimacy ,allowing someone to touch your skin ,to feel the warmth inside you ,allowing a partner to control your movements .Being Physical with a partner is a way to learn to trust in another
virtual sex and real sex are still sex ,one is stimulation and pleasuring of the mind and mental emotion ,the other the pleasure of physical emotion and trust
Idly better or Dosa better ?IMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Lol you to wait for real sex, but not for virtual sexIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Happy endingIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Well in virtual sex too, you can allow your partner to control your movements if you feel the partner knows what he/she is doing .Seeing Virtual sex (masturbastion ) is just a form of self pleasure and NOT MEDICALLY CLASSED as sexually atctive (every doctor can tell you that espcially a OBGYN) ,it is also away of being in contol of yourself ,knowing your limits and also another wayof communicating with a partner to set the mood wether male or female , The buildup is less about physical stimulation and more about forming an emotional connection.
Real sex is more about the Physical emation ,allowing someone to access your intimacy ,allowing someone to touch your skin ,to feel the warmth inside you ,allowing a partner to control your movements .Being Physical with a partner is a way to learn to trust in another
virtual sex and real sex are still sex ,one is stimulation and pleasuring of the mind and mental emotion ,the other the pleasure of physical emotion and trust
Well getting out of a really long and intense relationship, sometimes you feel you are'nt ready to have some real action with an other individual.IMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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Same thoughtsIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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RealIMO Virtual sex can't replace real sex.
I don't get turned on by virtual sex or sexting
But I respect those who do it
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