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The Space Between Us


Wellknown Ace
Raghav and Meera had been together for six years. They met during their final year of university at a mutual friend’s party. From the moment they locked eyes, it felt like they had found something extraordinary in each other — something pure, unbreakable. They were the kind of couple everyone admired, the ones who seemed destined to last forever.

After graduation, Raghav secured a stable job as a business consultant in the city, while Meera pursued her career as a banker. They moved in together into a modest apartment, filling it with love, late-night conversations, and shared dreams of the future they would build together. Meera worked long hours, often returning home late, while Raghav managed his consulting projects and tried to maintain their life together.

For years, it seemed perfect. Until it wasn’t.

The first signs of trouble came slowly. Meera began taking on more responsibilities at the bank, rising through the ranks. Her hours grew longer, her weekends filled with client meetings, and her phone constantly buzzed with work notifications. Raghav, ever supportive, encouraged her to chase her career goals, but the growing distance between them became undeniable. Their once effortless conversations turned into brief exchanges, filled with awkward silences and forced smiles.

One evening, after a particularly stressful day, Raghav sat at the dinner table waiting for Meera to come home. She had messaged him earlier, saying she’d be late again, and he found himself staring at the empty chair across from him. When she finally walked through the door, exhaustion clear on her face, Raghav decided he couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

"Meera," he started, his voice tentative. "We need to talk."

Meera sighed as she took off her shoes, rubbing her temples. "Raghav, can we do this later? I’m exhausted. Work has been crazy."

Raghav felt his heart sink. "That’s the problem, Meera. It’s always about work now. We barely talk. I miss you. I miss us."

Meera paused, her face tightening with a mix of frustration and guilt. She sat down across from him, her eyes avoiding his. "Raghav, I don’t know what to say. My career is important to me. You knew that from the beginning."

"I know," Raghav said softly. "But I feel like you’re slipping away from me. Like there’s a wall between us that keeps getting higher."

Meera’s gaze finally met his, and for a moment, he saw something flicker in her eyes — something he hadn’t seen in a long time. "Raghav… I don’t know if I love you the way I used to," she whispered, the words hanging in the air like a heavy weight.

Raghav’s heart shattered in that instant. "What are you saying, Meera? After everything we’ve built together, after all these years?"

She looked away, her face etched with sadness. "I didn’t plan this. I never wanted to hurt you. But somewhere along the way, I changed. My priorities changed. And I… I met someone else."

Raghav felt like the ground had been pulled out from under him. "Someone else?" he repeated, his voice shaking. "When did this happen?"

"It wasn’t supposed to happen," Meera said, her voice filled with regret. "It just did. We work together at the bank. I didn’t mean to fall for him, but I did. I can’t lie to you anymore, Raghav."

Raghav felt his world crumbling around him. The woman he had loved for so long was slipping away from him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. "So… you’re leaving me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Meera looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I don’t want to hurt you more than I already have. But yes, I think it’s time for us to go our separate ways."

Raghav couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The life they had built together, the dreams they had shared, all of it was slipping through his fingers like sand. That night, Meera packed a bag and left. Raghav stood by the window, watching her walk out of his life, the weight of her absence crushing him.

In the weeks that followed, Raghav was a shell of himself. He went to work, met with clients, but the spark that had once fueled him was gone. His heart ached with every beat, the emptiness inside him growing with each passing day. Friends tried to console him, but nothing could fill the void Meera had left behind.

Months later, Raghav found himself walking through a park they used to visit together. It was a gray, rainy day, the kind of weather that matched the sadness he felt inside. As he wandered through the park, he saw couples walking hand in hand, smiling and laughing, and it reminded him of what he had lost.

Suddenly, he spotted Meera in the distance. She was walking with a man, her new partner, the one she had chosen over him. They looked happy, wrapped up in their own world, and for a moment, Raghav felt the sharp sting of jealousy and pain. But then, as he watched them, he realized something — Meera had moved on. And somehow, he had to find a way to do the same.

The rain began to fall harder, soaking through Raghav’s clothes, but he didn’t care. He stood there, letting the cold droplets mix with his tears, hoping the rain could wash away the heartache, the betrayal, the memories of the life he had lost. But deep down, he knew that no amount of rain could ever cleanse the pain completely.

As the rain continued to fall, Raghav whispered to himself the painful truth he had been trying to avoid: "Love doesn’t always last."
What a Heart Ache!?
I couldn't Digest The Things happen to
Aswell , i can't say this Happened In the Flow!
Felt like She cheated Raghav!
She Shud Have sorted it with him, Or Left him Once , Fallen for another guy!

I remember one saying

Cheating is Not an Accident!
Rather, Itzzz Well planned Incident!

Keep Scribbling !!