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Sex before marriage—— right r wrong

I feel there's nothing wrong or right in these kind of cases it's all about perception

All will have their own viewpoints so one can't generalise

Regarding mine

If both the adults are consulting adults and they are having each other's Consent in doing it, if they are interested before marriage (Btw they might breakup, be it any case)

I feel it's their wish, as it's between those two adults, we can't judge

In a nut shell I say it's not wrong
Marriage is not a gate pass for sex . Both male and female will have thought of relationship at any moment ,if they like very much eachother.that is common thought for both of them. Due to society and culture they are hiding their thoughts and feelings .

Even Some people not having sex at their first night.... :smoking:

(Translate panna @Sanjay112 ku nandrikal) :Like:
Having Sex aftee marriage at first night is good and that will lead to a happy life with that experience
Omg omg....i see our ppl being sensible in this post...good to know the various options....

For me I lost my virginity when I was 19...
N it was mutual consent...we never had regrets regarding that...

Sex before marriage is not wrong until u don't go in a safer, mature way with both of ur consent..
If u do then make sure u don't regret later.. Else don't go for it...
Omg omg....i see our ppl being sensible in this post...good to know the various options....

For me I lost my virginity when I was 19...
N it was mutual consent...we never had regrets regarding that...

Sex before marriage is not wrong until u don't go in a safer, mature way with both of ur consent..
If u do then make sure u don't regret later.. Else don't go for it...

A Great point mentioned

If you do something make sure you don't regret later else don't do it

Illusion became a Phil :blessing:
Omg omg....i see our ppl being sensible in this post...good to know the various options....

For me I lost my virginity when I was 19...
N it was mutual consent...we never had regrets regarding that...

Sex before marriage is not wrong until u don't go in a safer, mature way with both of ur consent..
If u do then make sure u don't regret later.. Else don't go for it...
Else Don't worry, I won't go ;). I m also don't have any regrets :Cwl:.
it is up to the individuals
sex or the act of love making is part of any relationship
but we should remember that it would be unfair to back someone into a corner on this subject if they are not comfortable.
it should be natural weather before or after marriage
If you are a person who lives in a fantasy land and believes that your BF/GF is going to be your husband/wife in the future or that they will be with you till the end, then better wait until your marriage. Cause if you have sex with him/her with the belief that he/she is going to marry you, if he/she dumps you, you will be regretting your decision. Sorry to say this but marriages are not made in heaven. So you have to leave heaven and get down to earth. On earth, everything is unpredictable that applies to literally everything including your perfect relationship.

But if you are a practical person who acknowledges that most relationships are based on need and that when the other person's need is fulfilled he/she will leave you, just go for it. You won't regret it, you will find another relationship if your current relationship fails, you will get in someone else's pants eventually, no big deal, you don't have to make a fuss about it.

So why it became an issue in the first place?
Ancients didn't have effective contraceptive methods or condoms and pregnancy was expensive. Expensive in the sense that it was a time and energy consuming process and after pregnancy, you have to take care of the child too. If women were allowed to have sex with people before marriage in those times, it would have been disastrous to the population control. And humans by nature don't really like to rise other people's children (am not talking about all parents). So if you had a kid before marriage in those times, the kid was most likely to be disowned by the mother after marriage. This practice can be seen in villages even today. So to avoid that ancients restricted women from having sex before marriage.

Now back to the present, who is stopping you anyway? If it brings you happiness and is with the person you like or fancy, why not?? As long as you are aware of what you are doing and doing it properly without hurting anyone in the process, with consent and caution, just do anything you want.

Or if you fancy some BDSM shit, even if it hurts just go for it.

Fifty shades of Grey da :blush::Dream1:


Love me like you do da :makeup:

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First of all who decides what is wrong and what is right ? Is it you yourself or the ppl around you ?

If its you yourself then its worth the talk , if not the case is closed as u should never will wanna impress your peers.

Secondly it all depends upon trust , the atmosphere, the intimacy between the partners and last but not the least the guts they have .

So if u think u wanna have sex then yes do have it , likewise have the same expectation that ur partner might also have crossed the same situation .

If you wanna be a play Boy/Girl but expect ur partner to be ammanji then its called pulip mittai (biter candy)

If the agenda is clear then life is smooth :cool1:

PS. I never had sex before marriage lol