A man from Chandigarh has gone viral on the internet for spending more than Rs. 15 lakh for a super VIP number plate to put on his scooter that costs Rs. 71,000.
A man from Chandigarh has gone viral on the internet for spending more than Rs. 15 lakh for a super VIP number plate to put on his scooter that costs Rs. 71,000. Mr. Brij Mohan recently bought the elusive number plate ending with 0001 at an auction held by the Chandigarh Registering and Licensing Authority. This follows Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar's announcement stating that the government would put certain ‘special' number plates out for auction to generate extra revenue for the state.
As per reports, a Chandigarh-based businessman named Brij Mohan has won a bid of Rs 15.44 lakh for a registration number CH-01-CJ-0001. He bought this fancy number for his newly-purchased Honda Activa, which is priced at Rs 71,000 (ex-showroom).
Brij Mohan has said that he will use this number for his newly purchased Activa, but, he will transfer this number for a car later after he buys it. In that case, he will transfer the number for that car, after paying a nominal fee
Mr. Mohan who runs an advertising agency spent Rs. 15.44 lakhs at the government auction to secure the number 0001. He further revealed that he bought this special number plate for a future vehicle he plans to buy around the festival Diwali in 2022. Until then however, the VIP license plate will sit on top of his Honda Activa Scooter
A man from Chandigarh has gone viral on the internet for spending more than Rs. 15 lakh for a super VIP number plate to put on his scooter that costs Rs. 71,000. Mr. Brij Mohan recently bought the elusive number plate ending with 0001 at an auction held by the Chandigarh Registering and Licensing Authority. This follows Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar's announcement stating that the government would put certain ‘special' number plates out for auction to generate extra revenue for the state.
As per reports, a Chandigarh-based businessman named Brij Mohan has won a bid of Rs 15.44 lakh for a registration number CH-01-CJ-0001. He bought this fancy number for his newly-purchased Honda Activa, which is priced at Rs 71,000 (ex-showroom).
Brij Mohan has said that he will use this number for his newly purchased Activa, but, he will transfer this number for a car later after he buys it. In that case, he will transfer the number for that car, after paying a nominal fee
Mr. Mohan who runs an advertising agency spent Rs. 15.44 lakhs at the government auction to secure the number 0001. He further revealed that he bought this special number plate for a future vehicle he plans to buy around the festival Diwali in 2022. Until then however, the VIP license plate will sit on top of his Honda Activa Scooter