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I'm Lost


Wellknown Ace
I'm lost, with thoughts of this and that, not entirely sure how to process all the whimsical or pathetic attempts at life. All I want to do is shout and scream, and flip the universe off with an abundant of choice words. There's many of them I could say and yet all would point to the same conclusion, and that is no where. The cards have been dealt, I'm no magician, I have no tricks or slight of hand. I just have whats thrown in front of me, a whole bucket of 'what the fucks'. Oops, I swore... oh well... I'd be lying if I said I shrugged my shoulders, but no I didn't. I'm sat here like a stone cold wall, the metaphorical wall that I've recently just rebuilt, and let me tell you, it's gonna take one hell of a special person to knock it back down.

I'm tired of being the kind trusting, thoughtful person just to have it thrown back in my face time and time again. I'm tired of putting myself out there to help those who are important to me, for them to abandon me and leave me hanging like I'm an item of clothing in a closet just to be used when they feel the need. I may not have had the best upbringing in life, but somehow I've managed to avoid the stereotype of being nothing but trouble just because I was adopted. No, instead I've tried my best to stay humble, and polite and respectful. And now I sit here with a heavy sigh typing words on a forum for no other reason than because I need to get this shit of off my chest somehow.

On the chatroom (sex chat) most may know me as Nemo... I feel like it's almost like my person has become Nemo, and not the one from the movie... but the literal meaning of the name Nemo... nobody...

I will forever be lost in a sea of emotions and confusion, and emptiness, a vast endless darkness.
I'm lost, with thoughts of this and that, not entirely sure how to process all the whimsical or pathetic attempts at life. All I want to do is shout and scream, and flip the universe off with an abundant of choice words. There's many of them I could say and yet all would point to the same conclusion, and that is no where. The cards have been dealt, I'm no magician, I have no tricks or slight of hand. I just have whats thrown in front of me, a whole bucket of 'what the fucks'. Oops, I swore... oh well... I'd be lying if I said I shrugged my shoulders, but no I didn't. I'm sat here like a stone cold wall, the metaphorical wall that I've recently just rebuilt, and let me tell you, it's gonna take one hell of a special person to knock it back down.

I'm tired of being the kind trusting, thoughtful person just to have it thrown back in my face time and time again. I'm tired of putting myself out there to help those who are important to me, for them to abandon me and leave me hanging like I'm an item of clothing in a closet just to be used when they feel the need. I may not have had the best upbringing in life, but somehow I've managed to avoid the stereotype of being nothing but trouble just because I was adopted. No, instead I've tried my best to stay humble, and polite and respectful. And now I sit here with a heavy sigh typing words on a forum for no other reason than because I need to get this shit of off my chest somehow.

On the chatroom (sex chat) most may know me as Nemo... I feel like it's almost like my person has become Nemo, and not the one from the movie... but the literal meaning of the name Nemo... nobody...

I will forever be lost in a sea of emotions and confusion, and emptiness, a vast endless darkness.
Just like the movie finding nemo...find yourself bro.

Shout out into the wind. Shout back at this busy, fleeting world, just don't stay silent!!

I know what you are feeling, I go through this everyday!! I can relate every single word u have typed over here and it's tiresome to be the kind, caring guy after all that has happened in life. But take examples of Keanu Reaves, Robin Williams and countless others, they didn't let their trauma, or their past decide how they will live their life. Keanu is one of the kindest and most humble actor I have ever seen. So, no matter what life throws at you, you never change your core, you never stop being kind and caring, yes for sure, u need to change, u need to be aware and acknowledge what had happened to you but we never bend ourselves and let life fuck us in our ass.

(Robin might not be a good example as he ended his life but he was going through a lot and still was kind hearted)
Dear Nemo, I hope you're feeling better. You know dear we all witness our share of struggles but almost different for everyone. Some people are unlucky in family matters, some in friendship, some are unlucky in relationship, some struggle economically, some are unhealthy and there are people who are literally tested with everything....
I believe intensity of pain and struggles is directly proportional to the strength of your soul and spirit.

You said, Nemo means nobody but you're not nobody, you're a person who's being tested. People of world might not be noticing you but I believe struggles and tests come from the sky, then aren't you noticed by the one who's above sky? The one who's sending challanges in your way. Isn't it enough for a person to deal those challanges and be happy knowing that even if people forgot him but he's remembered by the supreme power. Ofc your Lord will replace every sadness with happiness.

One more thing don't wait for someone special to heal you. Heal yourself, talk to yourself, cry if you want to and don't stop being kind rather set boundaries that will prevent you from getting hurt.

Sending all my love in your way
Be happy and blessed
I'm lost, with thoughts of this and that, not entirely sure how to process all the whimsical or pathetic attempts at life. All I want to do is shout and scream, and flip the universe off with an abundant of choice words. There's many of them I could say and yet all would point to the same conclusion, and that is no where. The cards have been dealt, I'm no magician, I have no tricks or slight of hand. I just have whats thrown in front of me, a whole bucket of 'what the fucks'. Oops, I swore... oh well... I'd be lying if I said I shrugged my shoulders, but no I didn't. I'm sat here like a stone cold wall, the metaphorical wall that I've recently just rebuilt, and let me tell you, it's gonna take one hell of a special person to knock it back down.

I'm tired of being the kind trusting, thoughtful person just to have it thrown back in my face time and time again. I'm tired of putting myself out there to help those who are important to me, for them to abandon me and leave me hanging like I'm an item of clothing in a closet just to be used when they feel the need. I may not have had the best upbringing in life, but somehow I've managed to avoid the stereotype of being nothing but trouble just because I was adopted. No, instead I've tried my best to stay humble, and polite and respectful. And now I sit here with a heavy sigh typing words on a forum for no other reason than because I need to get this shit of off my chest somehow.

On the chatroom (sex chat) most may know me as Nemo... I feel like it's almost like my person has become Nemo, and not the one from the movie... but the literal meaning of the name Nemo... nobody...

I will forever be lost in a sea of emotions and confusion, and emptiness, a vast endless darkness.

Life throws a lot of shit our way and honestly it’s exhausting. Being lost in a sea of emotions doesn’t mean you’ll never find solid ground. Your kindness isn’t the problem, just be careful who you give it to.

But again remember, maybe they needed the kindness from you that they never got because the world never taught them how to be gentle with themselves. Sometimes we give love to some people because they needed it, maybe because God wanted us to. Maybe one day we’ll have our fair share of it when we need it most.

Whenever I try to picture my whole life, I lose my mind. So I take it one day at a time.