Me zero kiss
no yaropen sei
6 kissesMe zero kiss
Y u laughingLost count of how many times
you only got it,but you need more iq ,bcz i told zero kisses in my life,so kisses from life partner, lover, bestie,etc.. exept parents, sister, brother,etc..From whom? ..i want calrity..
Alot from my mom, granny,sissy, A little from besties, Zero from partner or lover...
Don't laughing,Topper some times get zero.bcz if you get high score in this qsn,losses your life.Alot from my mom, granny,sissy, A little from besties, Zero from partner or lover...
Y u laughing
From whom? ..i want calrity..
Is it true that we are not in a position to count?Do we count kisses
What do you do when you stop counting? I need clarity!!I stop counting