Ganesh Chaturthi is a widely celebrated Indian festival that falls during Shukla Paksha Chaturthi. This year, the festival will be celebrated on 10th September. On this day, people from across the country worship Lord Ganesha to seek his blessings. Ganesha is one of the most worshipped and beloved hindu gods. Son of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, Ganesh Chaturthi marks the birth of Lord Ganesha.
Every year, the festival is celebrated with great fervour and holds a special significance for people in Maharashtra. Given that the deity is known to remove obstacles and is the giver of wealth and wisdom, many people believe it to be a marker of new beginnings and opportunities.
While on a normal day, Ganesh Chaturthi would be celebrated together with friends and family, in light of the pandemic, it is important to ensure safety.