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Constant harassment of Jupiter in the Hindi beta Room


Epic Legend
Chat Pro User
Hello and good evening admins,
I would like to bring to your notice a certain disgruntled user who keeps changing ID's and comes to beta room when @JUPITER is there as a mod. He keeps harassing her, abusing her , calling her names and what not. @JUPITER has been handling the entire situation very calmly and professionally but as a user and a friend of hers I am a little concerned and disturbed by this. Why can't the IP address of such users be banned so that they cannot cause such nuisance. I know that it is a sex chat site yet there needs to be some dignity and decorum especially towards the mods as they are the one's maintaining discipline in the room. I request @Hades @Aphrodite @Administrator to kindly look into this matter and take appropriate action whatever they feel is deemed fit.
Thank you and best regards.
Hello Rasputin,
Hello and good evening admins,
I would like to bring to your notice a certain disgruntled user who keeps changing ID's and comes to beta room when @JUPITER is there as a mod. He keeps harassing her, abusing her , calling her names and what not. @JUPITER has been handling the entire situation very calmly and professionally but as a user and a friend of hers I am a little concerned and disturbed by this. Why can't the IP address of such users be banned so that they cannot cause such nuisance. I know that it is a sex chat site yet there needs to be some dignity and decorum especially towards the mods as they are the one's maintaining discipline in the room. I request @Hades @Aphrodite @Administrator to kindly look into this matter and take appropriate action whatever they feel is deemed fit.
Thank you and best regards.

Please note that @JUPITER is a staff member and, unfortunately, dealing with such situations is part of her role. She does have access to ban IDs, but some users are familiar with changing their IP addresses to bypass bans.
Hello Rasputin,

Please note that @JUPITER is a staff member and, unfortunately, dealing with such situations is part of her role. She does have access to ban IDs, but some users are familiar with changing their IP addresses to bypass bans.
Hello and good evening,
I am aware of the fact that she is staff member and also the fact that some users do change their IP address by using VPN and other methods. Hence I wanted to bring this problem to the notice of admins that if they can help in some ways it will be a great gesture. Just because a disgruntled user starts abusing a mod/staff member repeatedly is a matter of concern I feel, but then again it is my personal view. I know all the mods , admins who work here are doing their work tirelessly and with utmost sincerity as well. But as a user and as I mentioned as a friend I felt concerned hence I reported. Thank you for your prompt reply . Have a great evening :)
Hello and good evening admins,
I would like to bring to your notice a certain disgruntled user who keeps changing ID's and comes to beta room when @JUPITER is there as a mod. He keeps harassing her, abusing her , calling her names and what not. @JUPITER has been handling the entire situation very calmly and professionally but as a user and a friend of hers I am a little concerned and disturbed by this. Why can't the IP address of such users be banned so that they cannot cause such nuisance. I know that it is a sex chat site yet there needs to be some dignity and decorum especially towards the mods as they are the one's maintaining discipline in the room. I request @Hades @Aphrodite @Administrator to kindly look into this matter and take appropriate action whatever they feel is deemed fit.
Thank you and best regards.
I've noticed this too. Those who are doing it are not doing it right. They should understand who they are using these words against. All mods or admins here are very nice people.

I am with @JUPITER and always will be. Especially @JUPITER is my favourite. I think the matter should be looked at once at a higher level.

I also have to say that since @JUPITER is a staff member, she has to deal with it alone most of the time, which is very frustrating for me.

I've noticed this too. Those who are doing it are not doing it right. They should understand who they are using these words against. All mods or admins here are very nice people.

I am with @JUPITER and always will be. Especially @JUPITER is my favourite. I think the matter should be looked at once at a higher level.

I also have to say that since @JUPITER is a staff member, she has to deal with it alone most of the time, which is very frustrating for me.

I absolutely agree with you Ms. . It's a matter of disgrace that women are treated in such disrespectful way in the rooms. I would like to add one more thing which might sound repetitive , this is a sex chat site , agreed, yet women need to respected. I know some females have degradation fantasies and all but when it comes to mods or admins , certain stricter rules need to be enforced. Just because a user keeps changing his ID cause he is technologically sound yet that does not give him the right to abuse female mods especially. In fact off late even some user comes to the old Hindi room and keeps abusing Harman26 who again as a mod follows his set rules and works as per them by ignoring or muting the person. Mods are like monitors of the rooms , if I may say they are the teachers of a class. Hence they need to be given a certain respect and dignity. That said I will rest my points and I really hope something comes out of this discussion. I am nothing more than a user anyways but yes I do feel it when women are treated by names such as randi , whore and all that. Have a great evening everyone. I shall resort to my music and scotching for now.
Ciao :)
Hello and good evening admins,
I would like to bring to your notice a certain disgruntled user who keeps changing ID's and comes to beta room when @JUPITER is there as a mod. He keeps harassing her, abusing her , calling her names and what not. @JUPITER has been handling the entire situation very calmly and professionally but as a user and a friend of hers I am a little concerned and disturbed by this. Why can't the IP address of such users be banned so that they cannot cause such nuisance. I know that it is a sex chat site yet there needs to be some dignity and decorum especially towards the mods as they are the one's maintaining discipline in the room. I request @Hades @Aphrodite @Administrator to kindly look into this matter and take appropriate action whatever they feel is deemed fit.
Thank you and best regards.
We hear and understand your concern @Rasputin_M but you know how some idiots can be ,you have been here long enough . when it comes to @JUPITER there is no need to worry ,she knows that how to handle herself and if it does get to much she just have to say the magic code words and she has a whole pack staff (sex chat and IC ) to help her out .
like we always say those who come in just to abuse are nothing but attention seeking whores that have no self respect so they can't respect others ,just block em ,ignore them ,most abusers wouldn't know what to do with a real woman if they kicked em in the balls . they are seriously not worth the time or energy to worry about. just have fun and dont engage with stupid . plus some of IC women know they can come to SC if needed
We hear and understand your concern @Rasputin_M but you know how some idiots can be ,you have been here long enough . when it comes to @JUPITER there is no need to worry ,she knows that how to handle herself and if it does get to much she just have to say the magic code words and she has a whole pack staff (sex chat and IC ) to help her out .
like we always say those who come in just to abuse are nothing but attention seeking whores that have no self respect so they can't respect others ,just block em ,ignore them ,most abusers wouldn't know what to do with a real woman if they kicked em in the balls . they are seriously not worth the time or energy to worry about. just have fun and dont engage with stupid . plus some of IC women know they can come to SC if needed
You’re right, ma’am. Ignoring them is definitely the way to go. But might want to explore some more radical solutions in the long run. It’d be great to find ways to deter those who thrive on causing chaos and making things uncomfortable. If we can create a space where they don’t feel tempted to stir the pot, that’d really help everyone out! Looking forward for the complete shift to beta shortly. If they are abusing even the power holders, it would be impossible for we users to sustain blindly over there. Yeah, going with your direction to ignore them......
