Waiting for Her all Day Long
She dint come to hear my Song
Missing her here n i see a tear
In my eye, heart filled with fear
A cry tonight that she will go off
Miles tomorrow night
I feel my cry is ignored & it grows louder
But still ignored & it will grow stronger
and continuously ignored n
soon the cry will be gone and
the one who cries is also gone
Cause they were ignored
Don't ignore the Person U Love
Remember Them, Care for Them
& Be there for Them
She dint come to hear my Song
Missing her here n i see a tear
In my eye, heart filled with fear
A cry tonight that she will go off
Miles tomorrow night
I feel my cry is ignored & it grows louder
But still ignored & it will grow stronger
and continuously ignored n
soon the cry will be gone and
the one who cries is also gone
Cause they were ignored
Don't ignore the Person U Love
Remember Them, Care for Them
& Be there for Them