Let’s touch the area afterplay today in this thread 
When it come to sex after play is not considered as important as foreplay
In fact afterplay has a major role in sex life where you connect to the partner thoughtfully and sweetly
It would create a strong emotional and physical bond and attraction and would lead for a healthy relation ship. It actually direct for a better great sex life
It can be anything like a small communication or discussion or a sweet kiss or a hugging and bonded or anything
Actually even spending more time in afterplay would give a better and may be different sex experience in next times. Focusing on afterplay in sex is as important as foreplay. Afterplay creates a happy sex life and happy relation ship
More afterplay more happy more sex more bond

When it come to sex after play is not considered as important as foreplay

It can be anything like a small communication or discussion or a sweet kiss or a hugging and bonded or anything

More afterplay more happy more sex more bond