Favoured Frenzy
- In 2019, scientists discovered the world’s oldest known work of art on an Indonesian Island called Sulawesi. It was created 44,000 years ago.
- The name “sandwich” comes from an 18th-century aristocrat called the 4th Earl of Sandwich.
- 9310 Tweets are sent out every second.
- “Salvator Mundi” by Leonardo da Vinci is the most expensive painting in the world, valued at $450.3M
- The most-visited country on the planet is France, with 90M visitors, according to figures from the UNWTO in 2018. Who’s at number two? Spain.
- 92% of the world’s currency is digital
- “Avengers: Endgame” is the top-grossing film of all time, making over $2.7B!
- The wealthiest company in the world in 2020 was Saudi Aramco.
- The Statue of Unity in China’s Henan province is the tallest in the world, standing at a whopping 579 feet (182m). Note: The Statue of Liberty is 93m by comparison!
- Brazil boasts the most biodiversity of any country on the planet, with more than 50,000 species of plants and trees.