❤❤︎❤We Better Together forever❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Two hearts, one soul ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤ Finding joy in each other❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Making memories together❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤ Our love knows no boundaries❤❤︎❤ ❤❤︎❤Together we are unstoppable❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤The perfect blend ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Building a lifetime of memories ❤❤︎❤❤❤︎❤When we're together, time stands still ❤❤❤︎❤ Us against the world❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Forever linked ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Better Together, no matter what ❤❤︎❤ ❤❤︎❤Two hearts, one rhythm ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Connected souls ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Love without limits ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤ Better Together vibes❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Two peas in a pod❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤Love made us stronger ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤ We are missing puzzle pieces❤❤︎❤ ❤❤︎❤We are the avocado to our toast ❤❤︎❤❤❤︎❤We go together like Netflix and pizza ❤❤❤︎❤ Together we shine brighter ❤❤︎❤
❤❤︎❤We are Falling in love every day ❤❤︎❤❤❤︎❤Our Love is a journey, not a destination ❤❤︎❤Together, we can conquer the world ❤❤︎❤
Let’s we make more memories together through this thread
Varun Chakravarthi❤❤︎❤ @Fitttuu❤️✨
Mini Angu @Tessa_shruthi
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