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  1. vicks69

    What if..!?

    What is we are all in a simulation (like MATRIX movie) that we can't escape..!? And there are hackers who can solve their problems with some kind of hacks glitches or something eles we never witnessed.? Is that possible? If it is.. Then why? If it isn't.. Then why not? And mainly what is Deja...
  2. Solara

    The Web of Thoughts

    Lena woke up to the sound of her alarm, a jarring buzz that seemed to echo louder in her mind than in the quiet room. She rubbed her eyes, stretched, and sat up. Did I turn off the stove last night? The thought hit her immediately. She paused, trying to picture the moment before she went to bed...
  3. GothamCity

    GothamCity Chronicles - Day 2

    Hola!!! Communicating is a key, how else do I tell people, I am a well oiled machine which takes in ideas, understands and brings a new dimension to their ideas. Such actions certainly brings in a lot of questions in mind. Asking those questions in the right nature, at the right time and to...
  4. Beardo

    How does love feels like? How do you know that you love someone or just like the idea of love?

    Hello everyone ☺ How does love feels like? How do you know you love someone? How do you know that you LOVE them, not just admiring them, or like the idea of love, or like their attention? ☺ I think the most love i ever gave was to cats because i love them to pieces... I often developed strong...
  5. Beardo

    Am I the only one?

    Every fall when the sad kicks in i start to get this intense and extremely debilitating sensation that feels like someone is squeezing the center of my brain. Its not a headache although headaches do go along with it, its not even really pain. It is obviously connected to sad . I have had ct...
  6. Beardo

    If you found out the world was ending in a year, how would you spend your time?

    If you found out the world was ending in a year, how would you spend your time? Remember that the world would be ending in a year for everyone else, too. How would that affect your options?
  7. DemiGOD1

    Be aware!!!!!!

  8. kush

    Are You Really in Love? Answer these honest questions!

    1. If some tells you, "You are a lot like your partner" would this be a complement to you?? 2. Are You truly complete? Or just Lonely 3. Are you unapologetically yourself or do you feel you have to show up differently to please your partner? 4. Do you love your partner as a whole? Or just the...
  9. Milan johan

    Living in the moment vs Calculated life ..

    How often you forget about your future and live in the moment... How often you forget to enjoy the moment and always thinking about future.... Let's rethink about the life..