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  1. nitzzz

    The Trust Factor

    Trust is fragile, like glass—once shattered, it’s never the same. In real life, we build friendships on the belief that we can lean on each other, but when deception creeps in, it leaves scars. It’s heartbreaking when those we hold close choose betrayal over honesty. The hardest part? Picking up...
  2. nitzzz

    A washroom encounter

    In the bustling heart of Bombay, the towering glass building of Pristine Corp buzzed with activity. The employees, clad in formal attire, moved swiftly, their minds focused on the tasks ahead. Amidst the hustle, Riya, a young and vibrant employee, found herself in a state of panic. She had...
  3. nitzzz

    Whispers of the Metro

    Every morning at 8:15, the metro doors slid open, and Raina stepped into the same carriage, finding her usual spot by the window. She loved watching the city blur past, her mind wandering through the stories of the people around her. One day, a new face caught her attention—a man with dark hair...
  4. nitzzz

    What's the Most Ridiculous Lie You Believed as a Kid?

    Hey everyone, We all have those funny moments from our childhood when we were a bit more gullible and believed some pretty outrageous things. Whether it was something your parents told you to keep you out of trouble, a tall tale from an older sibling, or just a common childhood myth, let's...
  5. nitzzz

    What's the most bizarre dream you've ever had?

    Hey everyone!I thought it would be fun to share some of the strangest dreams we've ever had. You know, those dreams that make you wake up and think, "What on earth was that about?" Whether it's talking animals, absurd adventures, or just plain weird scenarios, let's hear about them! I'll start...
  6. StreetSpirit


  7. nitzzz

    Is Living Together a Good Idea Before Marriage?

    Hey everyone, I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of living together before marriage and wanted to hear your thoughts and experiences. There are so many opinions out there, and I’m curious about the real-life pros and cons. Some questions to kick things off: Pros and Cons: What are the...