• We kindly request chatzozo forum members to follow forum rules to avoid getting a temporary suspension. Do not use non-English languages in the International Sex Chat Discussion section. This section is mainly created for everyone who uses English as their communication language.


  1. nitzzz

    The Journey of My Sentiments- Thankz to ZOZO

    Childhood is often painted as the happiest time of our lives, but for me, it was a period filled with endless introspection and uncertainty. I often found myself questioning if I truly belonged to my parents, feeling a profound sense of disconnection that lingered for years. It wasn't until I...
  2. Rasputin_M

    Songs and just songs

    Hello and good evening everyone. I am creating a post for all music lovers. Please feel free to post songs of any language as I believe music is all about soul and is independent of language. I'll post a few for now and then kindly join in. :)