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Search results

  1. P

    Being good is not a business deal

    You might not need to be highly skilled in social interactions to succeed in business and achieve a good profit. Nowadays, direct communication with clients is becoming less critical thanks to advanced tools and technologies. For instance, using solutions like clerk chat...
  2. P

    What's your favourite place so far?

    Australia holds a special place in my heart. During my three-month stay in the country, I fell completely in love with its landscapes, culture, and people. The thought of returning next year fills me with excitement and anticipation. This time, I've decided to enhance my experience by utilizing...
  3. P

    Is the feeling of romance online possible?

    Possible. You just need to be open to that. Of course, there's no point in complaining about online dating if all you're doing is sitting on the sofa and writing with the guys. You need to get out there and make some experiences. With the help of...
  4. P

    This is business

    True that. Being a businessman means having the instinct to know when and how to act in stressful situations. It's crucial to stay ahead of the curve by familiarizing yourself with modern technologies and implementing them into your business operations. For instance, integrating tools like...