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  • Six uncomfortable lessons we all need to learn.

    1. Your self love must be stronger than your desire to be loved.

    2. You are always responsible for your emotional reactions.

    3. Don't feed your problems with thoughts, starve them with action.

    4. Your life will be defined by your ability to handle uncertainty.

    5. If your goal is to have a healthier mind, start by removing all the junk from your diet.

    6. Your 'best life' won't seek validation, but insecurity will.
    Why am I unlovable
    Why is the pain unstoppable
    Where are the arms to hold me at night
    Are the scars on my soul such a fright
    That no one will ever hold me tight
    With no love I'm withering
    Life is so unforgiving
    I just want someone to care
    To simply stroke my hair
    To tell me they're glad I'm here
    To whisper in my ear
    I'll always be near
    To look inside my soul
    And see past the scars it holds
    Will love ever make this heart beat again
    Would that be such a sin
    Or instead of flesh and bone

    Will I simply turn to stone

    Source.. google
    Happy Women’s Day! Shoutout to women who can balance a phone, a laptop, a toddler, and a snack in one hand – and still look fabulous. We’re basically ninjas with better hair.

    Remember: behind every great woman is… another woman asking, ‘Do you need a snack?’ You rock, ladies!”✳️❤️✨✳️❤️✨
    That’s such a fun and empowering Women’s Day message! Women truly are multitasking queens—gracefully handling everything life throws at them while looking fabulous.

    Here’s to the strength, resilience, and endless love that women bring to the world every single day! Happy Women’s Day to all the incredible ladies out there—keep shining, keep slaying, and yes, don’t forget to grab a snack! ✨
    criss cross
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    సిగ్గు ముల్లు గప్పి రంగులీనుతున్న లోకమంటె పెద్ద నాటకమే
    తెలియకనే సాగే కధనంనీవు పెట్టుకున్న నమ్మకాలు అన్ని పక్కదారి బట్టి పోతుంటే, కంచికి నీ కధలే దూరంనీ సేతుల్లో ఉంది సేతల్లో సూపించి ఎదురేగి సాగాలిగారేపేటౌనో తేలాలంటే నువ్వెదురు సూడాలిగాఓ... ఆటు పోటు గుండె మాటుల్లోన...

    నిన్ను నిన్నుగ ప్రేమించుటకు
    నీ కోసమే కన్నీరు నించుటకు
    నేనున్నానని నిండుగ పలికే
    తోడొకరుండిన అదే భాగ్యము..అదే స్వర్గము
    They see you as a bridge to cross, not a person to cherish." because You’re not their friend, just their convenience."

    ( Some random thoughts)
    अगर तालाश करूं कोई मुझे मिलही जाएगा!
    पर तुम्हारी तरह कौन मुझ को चाहेगा!
    तुम्हे जरूर कोई चाहतों से देखेगा.....
    तुम्हे जरूर कोई चाहतों से देखेगा !
    मगर वो आंखे हमारी कहा से लाएगा!

    Dedicated to Areyy_kaushik❤️
    sweetie Chowdary
    sweetie Chowdary
    Entaki ee Areyy_kaushik whooo
    • Haha
    Reactions: SiRa
    criss cross
    criss cross
    तलाश में हर कोई मिल जाएगा,
    मगर दिल का कोना खाली रह जाएगा।
    चाहने वाले हजार मिलेंगे मगर,
    तेरी तरह कोई निभा न पाएगा।
    • Love
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    entha premaaa Kaushik ante
    • Haha
    Reactions: SiRa
    Of course you still love them.. but it's a different kind of love now it's DISTANT QUIET ..a kind of love that wish them well from afar ..without needing their presence anymore

    -you remember them with fondness not desperation and that is it's own type of healing!

    -as you move forward their memory may still cross your mind ..you think of the good times but the doors to nights of heartache.. the screeming the tears are firmly closed now !!

    you are in a new path and so are they.. And isn't that the beauty of life and love?!!

    it evolves it teaches us to let go!


    -source (Google)
    ,Dear people

    Not told = Don’t ask

    Last-minute invites = Decline
    Not included = Don’t go
    Left out of plans = Move on
    Always reaching out = Step back
    Feeling used = Set boundaries
    Unappreciated efforts = Value yourself
    Ignored messages = Stop trying
    Constantly defending = Stop justifying

    Feeling unappreciated = Create distance

    Don’t chase those who don’t value you.
    Respect yourself, always.

    Happy valentine's day ✨✳️✴️
    I strongly believe in karma—what goes around always comes back. Mocking, poking fun, or abusing someone may seem entertaining for a while, but the universe is always watching and keeping count. My grandmother used to say that "if someone causes us pain without any fault of our own, each tear that dropped will turn into a curse for them". I don’t fight back like others; I simply leave it to the universe.
    sweetie Chowdary
    sweetie Chowdary
    Definitely karma will return...
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    • Like
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    That’s a powerful belief, @SiRa . Karma has a way of balancing things, even when we don’t see it immediately. Your grandmother’s words hold deep wisdom—pain given unjustly never goes unnoticed by the universe.

    Choosing not to fight back and instead trusting the universe takes immense strength. It’s not weakness; it’s knowing that your peace is more valuable than pointless battles. Do you find that this mindset helps you stay at ease, even when faced with negativity?
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    ❤️You will always be brave in someone’s mind and coward in another‘s,strong to one and fragile to another,good to one and terrible to another.

    You’ll be seen as annoying to one and comforting to another. Someone will feel anxious around you and someone will find peace in your company.Some will see you as “too much ”while others will see you as a gift.

    The world will look at you from their subjective point of view. The world is never going to agree on a definition of who you are.
    so you might as well live the way that feels true to your heart. ❤️

    Good morning
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