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Each person comes into your life with a lesson to teach

Deepak Kiran

Paw Patrol of ZoZo
Posting Freak

Each person comes into your life with a lesson to teach.​

Some people come to stay, whereas some people come to leave. Cherish those who remain and never regret those who leave. Both kinds of people have a great deal of lessons to teach.

People who come to stay throughout your lifetime are blessings, always cherish them as life’s beautiful moments are always made with them. They have so many things to teach and so many to learn.

People who come to stay are like the sun who will always remain, yes some days might be cloudy but the sun will shine eventually. Tragic likes in facing the people who come to leave.
The saying “people come and go” can be hard to hear. No one likes to lose people who are important to them, right?

It’s like the idea that “everything has an ending.” Just like moments in life end, so do relationships. Sometimes, people leave when you least expect it, and it can leave you feeling confused, sad, or frustrated. You might start wondering why a connection that felt so important just faded away like it never really mattered.

“They promised to stay. How could I believe those promises?”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“Was I not enough?”

These negative questions keep going through your mind, with no real answers. Your thoughts won’t let you accept that this is the end. Days, weeks, and months go by, and you feel sad every night. You keep wondering what went wrong and hope, pray, or wish they would come back.

But have you ever thought that maybe they were only in your life for a short time to help you learn and grow?

Yes, you heard that right people who came to leave also came with a purpose to serve your life. They came to teach you something and help you grow.

People enter our lives like characters in a story. Each with a purpose, a lesson to impart, and a role to play. Once we learn the lesson, they depart from our lives.

Everyone is on their path. You experience adventures, face challenges, and grow on your own. The people who come into your life are there to guide and support